Dandruff be Gone

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Dandruff be Gone using Ayurvedic Remedies

By Sunil

Dandruff is very troublesome problem. It is like white snow falling from your scalp to your shoulders. It can sometimes cause itchy feeling. Dandruff can bother a person very much especially if a person wants to go for a party or propose someone. It can be an embarrassing situation approaching someone with dandruff on your head.

Dandruff can be the major cause for hair loss. If it is not treated fast, you will lose a lot more strands before you realize the damage done. Dandruff can be caused from poor diet, poor metabolism, infection, hormonal imbalance, and improper care of your hair. Most men and women have dandruff on their scalp. This can be treated with some of the Ayurvedic home remedies:

Indian Gooseberry or Amla
Indian Gooseberry or Amla

Amla: Amla has rich nutrients value. It is very beneficial for treating dandruff. It is good for dry skin and scalp. During winter, the skin becomes dry and the scalp starts shedding dandruff. Amla is a good moisturizer. It can fight dandruff and gives you relief from it.

Aloe Vera: Ayurveda recommends using the gel of Aloe Vera on your scalp. Then wash it off after ten minutes with a good herbal shampoo. Aloe Vera gel is very effective to treat dandruff. If you have Aloe Vera plant at your home, you can just pluck some and rub the gel on to your scalp and see the positive results.

olive oil
Olive oil has nutrients that are required for healthy skin and is a treatment for dandruff.
Olive oil: Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and other nutrients that are required for healthy skin. Olive oil is a better treatment for severe dandruff. If you want olive oil to be more effective, then add almond oil with equal quantities along with olive oil and apply it on your skin. Let the oil penetrate in to the skin. Wash it off after 10-15 minutes.

Karpura: Mix karpura with coconut oil and massage it on your scalp. It gives relief from dandruff.

Henna: According to Ayurveda, henna is very effective for treating dandruff. Take henna powder, hibiscus powder, amla powder, a little fenugreek powder, curd, lemon and mix these with coffee decoction. Leave this mixture in an iron bowl and leave it overnight. Next morning apply this mixture on your scalp and hair and leave it on for about an hour and a half. After that, you can wash it off. This mixture can do wonders on severe dandruff, gray hair, and hair growth.

These Ayurvedic remedies are safe to treat dandruff. Once the dandruff is treated, you will also see the result of hair growth. Ayurveda recommends having proper diet and regular exercise to have healthy skin.

Copyright © AyurvedaHealthTips.com

Prevent Premature Graying

Prevent Premature Graying of Hair in an Ayurvedic Way

By Shankar.

Graying of hair is the natural process that occurs with advancing age, but it can also at a younger age possibly because of heredity. Graying of hair is caused due to the reduced melanin that produces hair color. However, premature graying of hair is a condition of gray hair found in young people. Unhealthy diet and lifestyle, stress, anxiety, tension, deficiency of Vitamin B12 and other required nutrition are the cause for premature aging. Smoking excessively and drinking alcohol are the major cause for premature graying.

Premature graying can make a person look older than he or she actually is. It spoils the look and personality of the person. Premature graying can lead the person to lose confidence. It can be very bad experience for a teenager with gray hair.

Ayurveda believes that an imbalance in Pitta dosha is responsible for premature graying of hair. It also believes that prevention is the best treatment and solution. However, you should learn the art of living Ayurveda for treating any kind of ailments with natural Ayurvedic treatments.

Amla: This herb is the best and the topmost among other herbs that are beneficial in preventing and curing premature graying of hair. This herb is used as a hair tonic that darkens the color of the hair and also nourishes it. You can boil the dried pieces of the amla in coconut oil and apply it on your scalp and hair. This home remedy is very beneficial in treating premature graying. You can also soak the dried amla pieces in water overnight and wash your hair with this water the next day. You can mix amla juice with coconut oil or almond oil and massage the scalp to prevent premature graying of hair.

Curry leaves: Eating curry leaves daily is an effective remedy to prevent premature graying of hair. You can also boil some of the leaves in coconut oil and massage your scalp and hair to strengthen the hair roots and promote hair growth.

Henna: This herb is used as the natural dye that provides color to your hair naturally. Boil some leaves of henna in coconut oil and apply this on your hair. On regular use, the color of your hair will start becoming darker and darker.

Coconut oil: Regular use of coconut oil will help in preventing premature graying of hair. Apply coconut oil on your scalp and massage gently to increase the blood circulation. This remedy not only prevents premature graying but also reduces hair fall and promotes hair growth. When you use it regularly, your hair becomes darker in color and looks beautiful and shining.

Choose the art of living Ayurveda to prevent premature graying and hair fall. If these are not prevented, you will start looking old before the old age appears. Also do regular exercise, yoga, and meditation which also mean the art of living Ayurveda. This way of living not only helps in preventing premature graying of hair but also takes care other health disorders.

Copyright © 2011 AyurvedaHealthTips.com

Ayurvedic Jaundice Herbs

Ayurvedic Herbs for Jaundice Treatment

By Shankar.

Jaundice is a disease caused from liver disorder. The eyes, skin, nails, and urine of a person turn yellow. This indicates that the circulation of the bile is excess. The other symptoms of jaundice are body itching, indigestion, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, and diarrhea.

Jaundice patients should avoid certain foods like bakery foods, non-vegetarian foods, drinks that contain sugar, and spicy foods; the most important is alcohol which is to be avoided completely. Instead, they are recommended to eat vegetables, dry fruits, and lemon. There are several Ayurvedic herbs that can be used for curing jaundice.

Berberis: Berberis is also known by its nickname, ‘jaundice berry’ as it is very effective in curing jaundice. The tonic is made from the bark of Berberis tree. The taste of the tonic is bitter and as such, the dosage of this tonic should be ¼ teaspoon daily for treating jaundice.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a good remedy for liver ailments. It treats jaundice effectively. It also stimulates the liver to function effectively. The juice of Aloe Vera can be mixed in water and taken. The pulp from its leaves can be taken with ginger and black salt every morning to cure jaundice.

Indian Sorrel: Indian sorrel helps to cure jaundice. The fresh juice of this herb is taken with buttermilk, which is made from cow’s milk. It should be taken daily in the morning during the time a person is suffering from jaundice.

Henna: The bark of this Ayurvedic herb is very effective to treat liver ailments like jaundice. Henna gives cooling and soothing effect that is beneficial for treating liver problems.

Katuki: Katuki is one of the best remedies for treating jaundice. This herb is widely recommended by Ayurveda. This herb is powdered and mixed with warm water. The dosage is to take twice daily.

Chicory: This herb is very useful for treating liver problems. It is very useful in the sense that almost all the parts of this herb such as seeds, flowers, and roots are used for treating liver problems. This herb’s juice helps to promote the secretion of the bile.

Gokulakanta: This herb is used for treating hepatitis, jaundice, and enlargement of the liver. The most beneficial part is its root, and it is prescribed for treating several liver problems.

Erand: Erand is useful to treat jaundice in hepatitis.

These Ayurvedic herbs are very beneficial for curing jaundice. Ayurveda also recommends the person with jaundice to take rest and physical activities should be as less as possible. Also the person should avoid excess heat.

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