Treating for Gout

Travel Quiz Weekly

Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout

By Sunil

Gout is a health condition where there is accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. This happens when there is problem in the protein metabolism and the uric acid from the kidneys is not excreted properly. Does an Ayurvedic treatment for gout exist? Yes it does.

Gout causes inflammation, pain, and itching in the joints. Excess intake of protein rich foods, alcohol, certain drugs, anemia, kidney disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, and hereditary conditions can increase the uric acid level in your body.

Gout is diagnosed through blood and urine tests. This disease is said to have no cure. However, with proper care and medicines, it can be controlled effectively. You can use Ayurvedic treatment for gout, however. Ayurvedic plants and remedies are better to control this disease. Also there are some methods that you should follow to prevent and treat gout.

  • You should completely avoid taking protein-rich food especially which are high in purines. This is contained in food such as organ meats, fish, spinach and beans.
  • Vegetarian diet will prevent and treat gout.
  • You should avoid alcohol. Intake of alcohol can aggravate the problem.
  • Drink plenty of water to expel the uric acid from your body.
  • fresh cheries help gout
    Fruits like fresh cherries help in preventing and treating gout.
  • Fruits like fresh cherries, blueberries, and strawberries help in preventing and treating gout.
  • Fruits like apple and bananas also help in reducing the level of uric acid in the body.
  • Ice treatment is good for inflammation. Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and place this on the affected area.

Boswellia: This herb provides soothing relief from joint aches. It helps in supporting the joints and reduces the inflammation. This herb is also beneficial in reducing the weight of the body.

Ashwagandha: This herb has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat any kind of inflammation including the inflammation in the joint. This herb is very effective in reducing stress and helps in treating arthritis and gout. It improves the function of joints.

Amla: It is useful in treating metabolic disorders and gout. It is rich in vitamin C and eating this daily helps in treating gout. It also helps in treating anemia and diabetes.

Lemon: This also has rich source of vitamin C that helps in reducing the level of uric acid in the body. Drinking lemon juice daily helps in treating gout.

Neem: This herb is very useful in purifying the blood. It also has a unique property that helps in treating gout.

Alfafa leaves are very effective in treating gout.

Alfalfa: Its leaves are very effective in treating gout. It has certain minerals that help in reducing uric acid.

With the help of these Ayurvedic plants and by avoiding certain foods that increases the level of uric acid, gout can be treated effectively without any side effects. Be sure to consult a doctor or an Ayurveda practitioner if you want to use Ayurvedic treatment for gout.

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Anti-aging Ayurvedic Treatment

For Anti-aging Ayurvedic Treatment is the Best

By Shankar

Ayurveda believes that premature aging of the skin is caused due to the vitiation of Vata dosha. Also there are some external and internal factors that cause premature aging.

The external factors include poor lifestyle of the person like sun exposure, smoking, emotional imbalance, and lack of exercise. The internal factors are the imbalance of the Ayurveda doshas that happen due to improper diet.

Some Aging Signs You’ll Probably Notice

anti-agingAyurvedic treatment helps in anti-aging or keeping your body in a healthy, younger condition.

The visible aging signs and symptoms are dry skin with fine wrinkles.

Also age spots on the areas affected by exposure to sun. Plus there could be saggy skin near the eyelids, jaw, and neck.

Other signs of aging are poor memory, poor eye sight, joint and muscle pains, infertility and low sex drive. No one can stop the process of aging. However, you can slow the process of aging with the help of Ayurvedic guidance and remedies. Doing so, is in effect anti-aging solutions that help delay some of the signs of old age.

anti-aging pomegranate
Is pomegranate an anti-aging fruit?
According to Ayurveda, anti-aging is maintaining healthy mind and body even after you reach very old age.

It helps you to adapt a healthy aging process. For this, there is nothing better than natural ayurvedic remedies to remain youthful and energetic for a long time.

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Two Natural Ayurvedic Remedies to Help Remain Youthful and Energetic

Aswagandha: This herb is used as an energy tonic to improve the immune system. It is very useful in calming and relaxing the mind. This herb is traditionally used as a rejuvenating tonic that has many antioxidant properties.

ayurveda for anti-agingThese properties increase longevity and anti-aging effects on the body. The powdered Ashwagandha can be taken with milk or water to delay the process of aging.

It also helps in treating advancing age-related health disorders like infertility, impotence, low sex drive, and low sperm count.

Amla: It has a rich source of vitamin C which is beneficial in treating several health disorders. In Ayurveda, Amla is the main ingredient in several herbal supplements for treating a variety of ailments. Amla is used as a good medicine for regulating digestion and controlling hyperacidity. It is a well renowned fruit that has anti aging properties.

Amla regulates Ayurveda dosha, especially Vata dosha that is related to the aging process of a person. Amla is beneficial in treating premature graying and hair fall. It improves the growth of hair.

stay young through AyurvedaAmla helps in nourishing skin, nail, teeth, and bones. It is also very effective in improving eyesight.

Regular intake of Amla will give you energy and in effect is an anti-aging herb that helps in delaying aging of the cells and thus prevents premature aging.

Not only it prevents wrinkles but also gives glowing skin that reflects good health.

Another Natural Ayurvedic Remedy to Help Remain Youthful and Energetic

Brahmi: This herb has a wide variety of medicinal values that helps in treating several ailments. staying youngIt is primarily used as a brain tonic that helps in treating mental disorders.

Such disorders as stress, anxiety, tension, depression, sleeplessness, loss of memory, and lack of concentration. This herb is used for preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Brahmi is very effective in improving your memory and keeps you alert. Its antioxidant properties keep you young, youthful, and energetic.

Drinking Plenty of Water is Most Important

drink water for anti-aging helpDrinking plenty of water is one of the most important methods of anti-aging or keeping your skin looking young.

Another important factor to maintain the Ayurveda doshas is to have a well balanced diet. Regular exercise, yoga, and meditation also do wonders in maintaining the health of the human body.

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Anti-aging Ayurvedic Treatment

Dandruff be Gone for Sale

Dandruff be Gone using Ayurvedic Remedies

By Sunil

Dandruff is very troublesome problem. It is like white snow falling from your scalp to your shoulders. It can sometimes cause itchy feeling. Dandruff can bother a person very much especially if a person wants to go for a party or propose someone. It can be an embarrassing situation approaching someone with dandruff on your head.

Dandruff can be the major cause for hair loss. If it is not treated fast, you will lose a lot more strands before you realize the damage done. Dandruff can be caused from poor diet, poor metabolism, infection, hormonal imbalance, and improper care of your hair. Most men and women have dandruff on their scalp. This can be treated with some of the Ayurvedic home remedies:

Indian Gooseberry or Amla
Indian Gooseberry or Amla

Amla: Amla has rich nutrients value. It is very beneficial for treating dandruff. It is good for dry skin and scalp. During winter, the skin becomes dry and the scalp starts shedding dandruff. Amla is a good moisturizer. It can fight dandruff and gives you relief from it.

Aloe Vera: Ayurveda recommends using the gel of Aloe Vera on your scalp. Then wash it off after ten minutes with a good herbal shampoo. Aloe Vera gel is very effective to treat dandruff. If you have Aloe Vera plant at your home, you can just pluck some and rub the gel on to your scalp and see the positive results.

olive oil
Olive oil has nutrients that are required for healthy skin and is a treatment for dandruff.
Olive oil: Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and other nutrients that are required for healthy skin. Olive oil is a better treatment for severe dandruff. If you want olive oil to be more effective, then add almond oil with equal quantities along with olive oil and apply it on your skin. Let the oil penetrate in to the skin. Wash it off after 10-15 minutes.

Karpura: Mix karpura with coconut oil and massage it on your scalp. It gives relief from dandruff.

Henna: According to Ayurveda, henna is very effective for treating dandruff. Take henna powder, hibiscus powder, amla powder, a little fenugreek powder, curd, lemon and mix these with coffee decoction. Leave this mixture in an iron bowl and leave it overnight. Next morning apply this mixture on your scalp and hair and leave it on for about an hour and a half. After that, you can wash it off. This mixture can do wonders on severe dandruff, gray hair, and hair growth.

These Ayurvedic remedies are safe to treat dandruff. Once the dandruff is treated, you will also see the result of hair growth. Ayurveda recommends having proper diet and regular exercise to have healthy skin.

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Longevity and Ayurvedic Herbs

Increase Longevity with Ayurvedic Herbs

By Shankar.

Many people suffer from tiredness, weakness, and inactive life due to some health disorders. This make them feel older than their age and remain unhappy throughout their life. If you want have more longevity, to live better, active, longer, healthy and independent, you should prevent illness by taking some precautions.

You should manage to prevent mental and health disorders like emotional imbalance, excess weight, digestive disorders, diabetes, cholesterol, joint pains, heart diseases, lung diseases, liver diseases, and kidney diseases. Now what is the secret method to prevent such health disorders that reduces your longevity or life span? Well, stop completely alcohol, smoking, and excess drugs to treat such diseases. Switch to Ayurvedic medicinal herbs that have no side effects and also enhance you to live longer, healthier and happier life.

Amla: Amalaki in Sanskrit means ‘sustainer of health’. This herb enhances longevity and delays the signs of ageing. It is a good tonic for eyes. It is an adaptogen that normalizes the function of the body, improves immunity and balances neuroendocrine system. Stress is the major cause for several serious health disorders like heart attacks. Amla is proved to treat stress and its related health disorders.

Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha in Sanskrit means “smelling like a horse”. This herb is both an adaptogen and rasayana. Adaptogen helps to improve your ability to cope with daily stress and rasayana means it improves the quality of life and longevity. It is considered as sedative that promotes sleep. It is also beneficial in treating stress related disorders like hyperacidity, hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis.

Almond: Ayurveda considers almond as a nutrient food for the brain and nervous system. It induces high intellectual level and longevity. Studies say that almond has anti-inflammatory and immunity booster effects.

Bhringraj: Ayurveda considers this herb for longevity and rejuvenation. Studies show that is has antihepatotoxic activity. Bhringraj also takes care of gastric problems and pain. It gives relief from nausea and vomiting in ulcer patients.

Brahmi: This is a revitalizing herb for the nerves and the brain. It improves intelligence, longevity, and short term memory. This herb
is a good medicine used for all respiratory problems and mental disorders. It also helps in purifying blood and treats chronic skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, and leprosy.

Saffron: The extracts of saffron can enhance memory and protects brain cells. It is effective in treating stress, anxiety, depression and its related health disorders. It regulates mood, sleep, and appetite.

Gudduchi: This single herb by itself is a powerful longevity enhancer. It is also one of the main ingredients in rasayana (prepared with a combination of herbs) that is used for enhancing longevity. It promotes the coordination between the mind and body. It increases the quality and quantity of life.

Shatavari: According to ancient Ayurvedic scriptures, shatavari is known as a ‘Universal Rasayana’. This herb promotes longevity and rejuvenates the body especially muscle tissues. It is a revitalizer that gives relief from age related problems.

Neem: This bitter Ayurvedic herb is one of the most effective rejuvenator. It enhances longevity and memory. It takes care of ageing disorders. Regular use of this herb gives strong immunity power to the body. It is also used for the treatment of skin problems.

These Ayurvedic herbs have the natural healing power and promote longevity. Regular exercises, yoga, and meditation also add and guarantee your personal wellness. So start on with your new life.

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Healthy Skin with Ayurvedic Herbs

Healthy Skin

Have Glowing and Healthy Skin with Ayurvedic Herbs

By Shankar.

How many of us have healthy skin? Is your skin healthy? Not many can answer this question confidently as they are not aware about the condition of their skin. Our skin is the natural protector of our body.

When our body is affected with some ailments, then your skin shows it.
According to Ayurveda, every person has different body types with three doshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These three doshas regulate several functions in the mind and body system. An imbalance in the three doshas results in skin ailments and unhealthy skin.

Our skin also gets affected by seasonal changes, air pollutants, ultra violet rays of sun, drugs addiction, lack of sleep, and stress. Most of them wonder about their skin problems and their causes.

Healthy SkinNo matter how hard you try to protect your skin from getting exposed to sun, air pollution, or seasonal changes, your skin can look unhealthy if you have stress. Stress is one of the major causes for unhealthy skin.

Remove stress and it’s a good step toward healthy skin.


Ayurvedic Herbs to Help promote Healthy Skin

You don’t need to worry about your skin ailment when there are several Ayurvedic herbs to help you out to have a healthy glowing skin. Ayurvedic remedies are the best way for all.

Neither you require a prescription nor do you need to worry about any side effects. Many people empty their wallets going to beauty parlors to take care of their skin and look beautiful. Do you know that the products they use for treating their skin can also have Ayurvedic herbs?

Even you can use some of these herbs at your home to take care of your skin, to give you healthy skin. Try out the following Ayurvedic herbs.

idiot's Guide to AyurvedaAloe Vera: Aloe Vera has several benefits that can take care of your skin ailments and help give you healthy skin. This herb helps in repairing the damaged cells and helps its growth and development.

You can apply a pure Aloe Vera gel on to your skin. This removes the toxic substances from your skin.

Sandalwood: Make a paste of the sandalwood and apply it daily on your face to give you glowing and soft skin.

Jojoba: Jojoba is rich in Vitamin E. Apply jojoba oil and massage your skin to see the effect of amazing glowing skin. Jojoba is a natural moisturizer that makes your skin healthy.

Amla: This Indian gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C which is essential for good skin. You can consume amla daily to have healthy skin.


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More Help in Ppromoting Healthy Skin

You can also use almond, walnut, cucumber, ginseng, castor oil, and emu oil to cure the skin ailments. Apart from using Ayurvedic herbs, you can also do yoga and exercise that will help you to get relief from stress.

It is important to get rid of stress and have beautiful, glowing, and healthy skin. Also make sure to have proper diet and have enough sleep. Improper diet and lack of sleep can make your skin look dull.

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Ayurveda and Weight Reduction

Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Reduction

By Shankar.

Obesity can ruin your life in every way so if you are too fat weight reduction is almost surely necessary. A Fat body denotes that you are from a well-fed family. However, it also denotes that you are carrying several serious health problems. If you don’t have them now you may soon have them.

All human beings whether fat or thin, have some health problems or the other. However, an overweight person is sure to invite dangerous diseases such as hypothyroidism, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, liver problems, kidney problems, diabetes and arthritis. Some of these diseases are life threatening. Even if they weren’t, who wants to have any of these diseases?

Eating disorders and poor lifestyle are the major causes for putting on weight. The best way is to maintain a well balanced diet and have small meals at regular intervals. If you do not follow this and have food that are more in calories then beware, less or no exercise can build excess fat in your body and as a result you put on weight and become overweight. Once you have increased your weight excessively, it is a hard task to reduce it. Just ask anyone that was really overweight and lost a lot of weight.

Well, do not worry. Time has come to end for your overweight problems. You still can start the process of reducing your weight. But, you should remember that weight reduction cannot be achieved in a day or two. Maybe not even in a month or two if you need a lot of weight reduction. The most important thing is you should have patience to follow the guidance and the treatments that are required for reducing your weight. There are several Ayurvedic plants that are beneficial for reducing the weight of the body.

Amla: Person with excessive weight have poor metabolism. Amla gives you strong metabolism that helps the body to burn the excess fat in your body and reduce your weight faster. Amla is a good medicine that helps in purifying the blood and removes all the toxins from your body. It also strengthens the liver and digestive system. It also takes care of body’s central nervous system.

Guggulu: This plant is a good heart tonic that strengthens the heart. It helps not only in reducing LDL cholesterol but also increases the level of HDL. It also helps in lowering triglyceride levels. This plant is very useful in controlling and reducing the weight of the body. It is also a good medicine for treating arthritis pains.

Aloe Vera: This plant helps in controlling and reducing the body weight. It stimulates the metabolism and helps the body to burn excess fat in the body. It helps in improving immune system. It helps in cleaning the digestive tract and maintains proper digestive system.

Haritaki: This Ayurvedic plant is a common ingredient used in several weight loss supplements. It helps in increasing the body’s metabolism and promotes the body’s ability to burn the excess fat. This plant is very effective in cleaning the digestive tract and improves digestive system.

Maintaining normal weight can control and prevent diseases to an extent. It is a must for every individual to do exercise regularly to keep the body fit and be away from all the health problems that can cause due to obesity.

You can do yoga and meditation for mental exercise and be free from all the mental disturbances which also are the major causes for several diseases. Who would like to visit a doctor and spend cash on each visit? Just an extra bit of care for your body and mind can give you a longer and more stress-free life. If you are much more than your normal weight these Ayurvedic plants can be a big help in weight reduction<. Copyright © 2011-2020

Ayurvedic Herbs Fight Wrinkles

Use Ayurvedic Herbs to Fight against Wrinkles

By Shankar.

Wrinkles are the visible signs of old age. No one likes to have wrinkles on their face and neck that show the process of aging. Well, there are many cosmetic products available in the market to get rid of the signs of aging. However, continuous use of these products may lead you to certain harmful side effects. Before we find out a better solution, check out certain important factors.

  • Drink at least two liters of water daily
  • Have a proper balanced diet
  • Do exercise regularly
  • Do yoga and meditation to reduce stress
  • Have a minimum of seven of hours sleep
  • Reduce the intake of coffee and tea
  • Quit smoking and drinking alcohol

The best remedy to look youthful is to use Ayurvedic herbs and remedies. These natural herbs prevent wrinkles to a great extent.

Aloe Vera: This herb is very effective Ayurvedic herb for all skin problems. It is a good moisturizer for the use on dry and damaged skin. It also takes care of pimples, acne, scars, sun burn, and stretch marks. Regular use of this herb will extend the signs of aging. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is very good for skin and overall health.

Almond: It is beneficial not only for the skin but also for the eyes and hair. Regular use of almond makes the skin soft, supple, healthy, and prevents wrinkles. It is also useful in lightening the dark circles and puffiness around your eyes.

Neem: It is used primarily for all skin problems in Ayurvedic treatment. Neem is a tree and all the parts of this tree have medicinal values in Ayurveda. The use of neem is one of the best remedy and Ayurvedic herbs for all skin ailments. It is also useful for preventing wrinkles.

Sandalwood: It is used in the form of powder and oil. It has a pleasant aroma. It has antiseptic, antimicrobial, and cooling properties that help in treating blackheads and scars on the skin. It also clears the wrinkles from your skin.

Lemon: It has astringent effect. It is a good tonic for your skin. It helps to prevent wrinkles, dark spots, and pimples. Regular use of lemon will refresh your skin.

Horse chestnut bark: It is very useful for skin. It has antioxidant agent. Studies have proved that it is useful for preventing wrinkles.

Sunflower: Sunflower seeds have rich source of Vitamin E which is very essential for a healthy skin. It gives you youthful, radiant, and wrinkle free skin.

Amla: It has rich source of Vitamin C which is good for a healthy skin. Regular intake of the Ayurvedic herb Amla, will give you youthful looking skin.

Ayurvedic herbs and methods are the best way to give proper care to your skin. These have no side effects and can be used for long term. You will attain natural and beautiful skin with these natural herbs without affecting your health.

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Treat Varicose Veins

Treat Varicose Veins with Ayurvedic Herbs

By Shankar.

Varicose veins are the ones that swell and bulge causing awful pain in the legs and ankles. Usually it happens when a person stands for a long period causing strain to the legs. Also, excess pressure in the abdomen can cause varicose veins.

Deficiency in Vitamin C, proteins, and minerals are behind varicose veins. Other factors include excess weight, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and advancing age. There are some Ayurvedic herbs that are useful to cure and prevent varicose veins.

Ginkgo biloba: It is very beneficial for cardio-vascular system. It is a good tonic for the brain as well as for the body. It relaxes your mind and gives energy to your body. It contains different anti-inflammatory properties. It enhances better blood flow to all parts of the body.

Horse Chestnut: This herb is used traditionally for toning and strengthening the veins. It is an anti-inflammatory that helps in reducing the swelling and pain. Its astringent property helps to reduce the bleeding.

Witch Hazel: The tannin acid present in this herb is beneficial for tiny capillaries and venules. This herb is useful for the treatment for varicose veins.

Arjuna: This herb is very effective in improving the function of the cardiac muscles and pumping of the heart. It helps to strengthen blood vessels. This herb is used for the treatment of varicose veins.

Guggulu: This herb has anti-inflammatory property that gives relief from pain. It has digestive agents that improve digestion and constipation related problems.

Brahmi: Ayurveda recognizes this herb as the best for the treatment of varicose veins. Brahmi tones and provides the required nutrients to the veins.

Ginger: Protein is necessary to prevent and cure varicose veins. Ginger helps in breaking down the protein content of food and distributes it evenly in the body. Include ginger daily in your diet.

Garlic: It is very effective for the treatment of varicose veins. Like ginger, garlic too helps in breaking down the protein and distributes it well in the body. Include garlic in your daily diet.

Onion: Chewing and eating onion daily will give the same benefits as garlic and onion in distributing the proteins evenly in the body. It gives strength to the body and treats the problem of varicose veins.

Amla: It has rich source of Vitamin C. Include amla and other citric fruits like oranges and lemon in your daily diet.

Varicose veins can become a very serious health problem if ignored. Ask your Ayurvedic practitioner about the Ayurvedic treatment and the medicines that are beneficial in preventing varicose veins in future.

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Ayurvedic Herbs for Eyes

Use Ayurvedic Herbs to Protect your Valuable Eyes

By Shankar.

Eyes are one of the most beautiful parts of your body. Having the sight of nature is a wonderful treat to your eyes. Many people give less importance to their eyes, the reasons being best known to them. If your eyes are not given proper care, you will come up with severe eye problems like presbyopia, conjunctivitis, dry eyes, epiphora, eye floaters, glaucoma, myopia, cataracts, eye sty, retinal diseases, corneal diseases, corneal ulcer, and blindness.

You are aware that prevention is better than cure; so, protection of your valuable eyes is equally necessary like protection of any other body parts. Do not allow your eyes to overwork. Read the following list of Ayurveda solutions to take care of your eyes:

Amla: Amla is widely used in Ayurveda. The juice of amla is a good tonic for the eyes. It can prevent eye related problems to an extent. Amla can give relief in conjunctivitis and glaucoma.

Indian Sorrel: This herb is used for preventing cataract. The juice of sorrel can be put in the eyes to get relief from strain. Sorrel can treat several other eye problems.

Babul: This Ayurvedic herb helps to treat conjunctivitis. It also takes care of the watery, itchy, and reddishness of the eyes.

Aniseed: This plant has several medicinal values. Aniseed is used for treating cataract.

Coriander: This herb is useful for giving relief to itchy and sore eyes. It is used to treat conjunctivitis.

Parsley: The juice of parsley is good for taking care of your eyes. Parsley takes care of eye problems like conjunctivitis, cataracts, corneal ulcers, ophthalmic, and many other eye irritations.

Apart from using these Ayurvedic remedies, you should also take care of your diet. Deficiency of vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E can increase the eye problems.

Vitamin A: Foods rich in Vitamin A are papayas, mangoes, oranges, carrots, pumpkins, green leafy vegetables, eggs, and fish. Include these foods in your diet. Vitamin A is good for having powerful eyes.

Vitamin C: Foods rich in Vitamin C are amla, lemon, orange, guava, capsicum, and tomato. These foods must be included in your daily diet to prevent cataracts.

Vitamin E: Nuts like almonds and hazelnuts, mangoes, papayas, olives, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, and fish are rich in Vitamin E. The deficiency of Vitamin E can cause damage to the retina.

So, start taking proper care of your eyes. It is rightly said ‘better late than never’.

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