Anti-aging Ayurvedic Treatment

For Anti-aging Ayurvedic Treatment is the Best

By Shankar

Ayurveda believes that premature aging of the skin is caused due to the vitiation of Vata dosha. Also there are some external and internal factors that cause premature aging.

The external factors include poor lifestyle of the person like sun exposure, smoking, emotional imbalance, and lack of exercise. The internal factors are the imbalance of the Ayurveda doshas that happen due to improper diet.

Some Aging Signs You’ll Probably Notice

anti-agingAyurvedic treatment helps in anti-aging or keeping your body in a healthy, younger condition.

The visible aging signs and symptoms are dry skin with fine wrinkles.

Also age spots on the areas affected by exposure to sun. Plus there could be saggy skin near the eyelids, jaw, and neck.

Other signs of aging are poor memory, poor eye sight, joint and muscle pains, infertility and low sex drive. No one can stop the process of aging. However, you can slow the process of aging with the help of Ayurvedic guidance and remedies. Doing so, is in effect anti-aging solutions that help delay some of the signs of old age.

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According to Ayurveda, anti-aging is maintaining healthy mind and body even after you reach very old age.

It helps you to adapt a healthy aging process. For this, there is nothing better than natural ayurvedic remedies to remain youthful and energetic for a long time.

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Two Natural Ayurvedic Remedies to Help Remain Youthful and Energetic

Aswagandha: This herb is used as an energy tonic to improve the immune system. It is very useful in calming and relaxing the mind. This herb is traditionally used as a rejuvenating tonic that has many antioxidant properties.

ayurveda for anti-agingThese properties increase longevity and anti-aging effects on the body. The powdered Ashwagandha can be taken with milk or water to delay the process of aging.

It also helps in treating advancing age-related health disorders like infertility, impotence, low sex drive, and low sperm count.

Amla: It has a rich source of vitamin C which is beneficial in treating several health disorders. In Ayurveda, Amla is the main ingredient in several herbal supplements for treating a variety of ailments. Amla is used as a good medicine for regulating digestion and controlling hyperacidity. It is a well renowned fruit that has anti aging properties.

Amla regulates Ayurveda dosha, especially Vata dosha that is related to the aging process of a person. Amla is beneficial in treating premature graying and hair fall. It improves the growth of hair.

stay young through AyurvedaAmla helps in nourishing skin, nail, teeth, and bones. It is also very effective in improving eyesight.

Regular intake of Amla will give you energy and in effect is an anti-aging herb that helps in delaying aging of the cells and thus prevents premature aging.

Not only it prevents wrinkles but also gives glowing skin that reflects good health.

Another Natural Ayurvedic Remedy to Help Remain Youthful and Energetic

Brahmi: This herb has a wide variety of medicinal values that helps in treating several ailments. staying youngIt is primarily used as a brain tonic that helps in treating mental disorders.

Such disorders as stress, anxiety, tension, depression, sleeplessness, loss of memory, and lack of concentration. This herb is used for preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Brahmi is very effective in improving your memory and keeps you alert. Its antioxidant properties keep you young, youthful, and energetic.

Drinking Plenty of Water is Most Important

drink water for anti-aging helpDrinking plenty of water is one of the most important methods of anti-aging or keeping your skin looking young.

Another important factor to maintain the Ayurveda doshas is to have a well balanced diet. Regular exercise, yoga, and meditation also do wonders in maintaining the health of the human body.

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Anti-aging Ayurvedic Treatment

Benefits of Ayurveda

Benefits of Ayurveda – a Holistic Science Contributing to Good Health

By Twinty Karat.

To learn about the benefits of Ayurveda one needs to look back to India, long ago in ancient times, where a holistic system of medicine was put in use. Its origins are said to be divine.

It’s a holistic science that is blessed from God. Ayurveda understands health in terms of a model related to the human body. Each of us has a mixture of each of the three energetic forces, or doshas as they are called.

Ayurveda’s Aim is a Lifestyle contributing to Good health and Less Illness

india amber palace elephantThe word Ayurveda is the conjunction of two Sanskrit words, “ayur” meaning life and “veda” meaning knowledge. Together it means the knowledge of life. In Ayurveda the process of life or ayur is considered a combined state of the body, the senses, your psyche and soul.

Ayurveda’s aim is to provide guidance using specially designed treatments, certain foods and herbs, and a lifestyle that contributes to good health and less illness. It also prescribes various remedies to help heal sicknesses and diseases.

Among the many benefits of Ayurveda is a goal of a long healthy life.

More Benefits of Ayurveda:

  • -gives a healthy, disease free life
  • – does not have side effects
  • – Removes tension, worry, and stress
  • – helps relax your mind
  • Ayurveda reference book– provides knowledge about healthful living

  • – offers dietary advice and recommended foods
  • – offers guidance and remedies for diseases and sickness
  • – keeps one in good health, if followed

Ayurveda dates back some 5,000-10,000 years, estimated by many. It’s not known exactly when it started but it is widely considered to be the oldest form of health care in the world.

According to many scholars knowledge of Ayurveda spread out from India and influenced the ancient medical systems in China, Greece and other places.

Ayurveda went through a Period of Decline in India

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Don’t run away from medicines, but be open minded about alternative medicine
Ayurveda went through a period of decline in India when Western medical education became dominant during the era of British rule.

Then it began its recent renewal in the West where Ayurveda rose from second-class status, used mostly by traditional spiritual practitioners and the poor of India.

Once India gained independence from the British in 1947, Ayurveda was recognized as an official form of medicine.

Ayurveda, along with allopathic, homeopathy, naturopathy, yoga therapy, and others were all recognized as an official form of medicine. Now Ayurveda has spread throughout the world. Some say it is ‘Ayurveda revisited’.

How Does Ayurveda Work

Ayurveda gives us a great model to examine each individual. Using Ayurveda’s unique makeup of three doshas that each of us has, to design treatment methods that specifically address a person’s health challenges.

This is unlike traditional medicine that often uses man-made drugs to fight a disease or sickness that has already overtaken the person. The West is in the beginning stages of understanding the benefits of Ayurveda.

As more familiarity occurs, we will hear much more about this ancient system of healthy living.

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