Ayurveda Home Remedies for Tuberculosis
By Sunil
Tuberculosis is an airborne bacterial disease that primarily affects the lungs in a human body. Tuberculosis can also affect bones, brain, heart, kidneys, stomach, intestines and other organs of the body. There are Ayurvedic remedies for Tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis or TB (abbreviated from Tubercle Bacillus) is considered as one of the most dangerous contagious diseases.
Tuberculosis is caused by the bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This disease can be spread by the tuberculosis patient when they cough or sneeze.
A weak immune system can invite this disease very easily. The nutrition deficiency causes low immunity system. The signs of tuberculosis are awful pain in the chest, frequent coughing, fever, tiredness, sweating in the night, weight loss, and expectoration of blood.
The first way to prevent this disease is to make sure you live in a proper ventilated place with enough sunlight. Take care to never be in over-crowded areas where you are likely to get infections. People living in unhygienic conditions are more prone to tuberculosis.
Make sure you have a proper well balanced diet that can improve your immunity to fight all diseases. People who are suffering from nutritional disorders can easily fall prey to tuberculosis.
According to Ayurvedic concept, tuberculosis is known as ‘Rajyakshma’, which means ‘the king of disease’. As mentioned earlier, prevention is the best treatment. There are several natural home remedies for tuberculosis.
A Few Ayurveda Home Remedies for Tuberculosis
Ashwagandha: Prepare a paste of its root and add a little clarified butter and milk. Have this to improve your nutrition level. Ashwagandha is a useful herb for the treatment of pulmonary problems.
Tulasi: This herb is considered as a sacred plant in Ayurveda. It heals almost all the ailments in a holistic method. Recent studies have proven that holy basil leaves have anti-tuberculosis properties that are similar to streptomycin and isoniazide contained in anti-TB drugs.
Amla: Prepare a tablespoon of fresh amla juice and mix honey, and have it daily in the morning. This is a proven and very effective remedy for tuberculosis.
Haritaki: This herb is useful for the treatment of respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis.
Guduchi: The extract of this herb along with haridra extract are effective in preventing toxicity caused by taking drugs that treat tuberculosis.
Haridra: The roots are very beneficial in treating colds, bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis.
Ayurvedic concept also believes in certain home remedies that will take care of tuberculosis. Take unpasteurized milk every two hours starting from eight in the morning for twelve hours is a good remedy for tuberculosis.
Eat fruits like oranges, custard apples, pineapples, and amla on a regular basis is a good treatment for tuberculosis.
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TB is not that simple deceases to be cured with few simple herbs.Though they do help to strengthen body’s immunity.Such herbs even prevent further spread of deceases.Best is go to your doctor and get properly diagnonised at what stage the deceases is and how best can be treated.Herbs do help to strengthenen the body to stand the reactions of medicines.