Dry Skin Remedies

Dry Skin Remedies using Ayurvedic Natural Home Remedies

By Jace Sinclair

Many people have dry skin that can be very irritating and itching. Dry skin is more prone to fast aging and can make a person look dull and uncomfortable.

There are different kinds of moisturizing creams ready in the market to help you out. However, these cannot match up with Ayurvedic Remedies for Dry Skin.

Ayurvedic Treatment and Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment and remedies is something to consider if dry skin is a problem for you.

Neem: This is one of the best Ayurvedic plants widely used for treating any kind of skin problem. You can directly apply the paste made from neem leaves onto your skin to prevent dryness as it is an excellent moisturizer. Consuming extract of neem leaves will not only cure dry skin but also works as a detoxifier and purifier of blood.

dry skin remedy

Aloe Vera: This Ayurvedic plant is very effective in taking good care of the skin as it provides the required nutrients. The juice or gel of Aloe Vera can be used as a good moisturizer. Drinking the juice of Aloe Vera by mixing it in a glass of water is very beneficial if you are looking for healthy skin.

Dry Skin Remedies
Is this dry skin, or what?

Lavender oil: Add few drops of lavender oil to the water and bath with it to moisturize your skin.

Honey: This is a good skin moisturizer. It provides natural skin care. Mix honey and rose water, and apply it to get beautiful and soft skin.

Dry Skin Remedies

Cucumber: It contains water and thereby, helps in preventing dry skin and wrinkles. You can apply cucumber juice on your skin and wash it off when it dries. It gives a cooling and soothing effect to the skin.

Apple: You can use apple juice on your skin to get relief from dry skin. This home remedy will give you healthy, soft and shiny skin.

Ayurvedic remedies for dry skin
Lemon: Applying the juice of lemon nourishes your skin. You can also mix honey along with lemon and apply on the face and neck and wash it off after it dries. This remedy makes your skin soft and supple.

Olive oil: This oil helps in moisturizing your skin. You can gently massage your dry skin with this oil. Adding almond oil along with olive oil gives double care to your skin.

These natural home remedies work wonders when used regularly. The best part is that these Ayurvedic plants do not have any side effects. You can use them regularly to get soft and younger looking skin. Also maintain a well balanced diet and drink plenty of water which is very necessary to prevent dry skin. Do yoga and meditation to overcome stress and other emotional imbalances that can also cause your skin to become dry.

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Chicken Pox – try Ayurvedic Treatment

Chicken Pox – Ayurvedic Treatment is the Best

By Shankar

Chicken pox is a viral disease that is highly contagious. It is usually mistaken for measles which brings similar kind of rashes on the body. It is a common disease that affects mostly the children between three to eight years. However, it can affect grown-ups too.

The medical term for chicken pox is known as Varicella and it is affected by varucella-zoster virus. It can be spread to other persons through saliva and nasal mucus when the affected person coughs or sneezes without covering the nose or mouth.

In Ayurveda, chicken pox is termed as ‘Laghu Masurika’. The symptoms are mild headaches, low fever, tiredness, rashes like red spots on the face, chest, and at the upper back of the body. After a few days, these rashes disappear and the skin becomes clear showing the sign of recovering from this viral attack with the help of right medications. There can be nothing better than Ayurveda for health treatment.

Neem: This herb has been in use for treating several skin disorders from ancient times. Now when anybody is affected by chicken pox, the first thing that comes to the mind is the neem treatment. Neem is known for its great anti-viral properties that help to cure chicken pox without any side effects.

Neem leaves are placed around the bed of the affected person. Paste made with neem leaves can be applied on the chicken pox rashes. When the blisters have vanished, the affected person is given a neem bath. This is done by boiling neem leaves in water and bath the patient with this water when it is slightly warm. You can also use the neem leaves from this water to rub the body to clean the skin.

Someone looks very sick in this graffiti painting. Do they have Chicken Pox?

Aloe Vera: This herb is also one of the most effective in treating skin problems. After the chicken pox has been cured completely, you can apply the gel of Aloe Vera on the skin to get rid of the marks that are left behind by this disease. You can also mix the juice of Aloe Vera in a glass of water and drink it to make your skin look fresh and good.

Carrot: The initial days of the chicken pox, the only food that you can have is to take juices of fruits and vegetables. The soup of carrot and coriander is very useful in treating chicken pox.

Herbal tea: Prepare a good herbal tea with holy basil, chamomile, marigold, and lemon balm. You can also include lemon, honey, and a pinch of cinnamon powder if you want. This herbal tea should be drunk slowly – one sip at a time. This is very useful in treating chicken pox.

Honey: It is known as a good skin moisturizer. You can apply honey on your skin to cure chicken pox.

Ayurveda for health treatment is the best option to prevent and cure any kind of diseases. It hardly has any serious side effects like the conventional medicines. It not only gives complete natural treatment, but also promotes longevity.

As always, we suggest consulting your doctor or Ayurveda practitioner before starting any Ayurvedic treatment. This is especially true for serious diseases.

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Ayurvedic Goiter Remedy

Ayurvedic goiter remedy

Ayurvedic Goiter Remedy Treatment

By Sunil

Goiter is the medical name used for enlargement of thyroid gland that causes swelling at the front of the neck. It causes intense pain while swallowing food and liquid, pain while talking, and difficulty in breathing.

From Wikipedia:
A goitre or goiter is a swelling of the neck or larynx resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland (thyromegaly), associated with a thyroid gland that is not functioning properly.

An Ayurvedic goiter remedy can help in the treatment of goiter. The major cause for goiter is due to low or increased level of iodine content in the body. It can also be caused due to intake of certain medicines and during pregnancy.

If goiter is left untreated for long, it can cause other throat diseases and respiratory diseases. There are some Ayurvedic plants that are useful in treating goiter.

Ayurvedic Goiter Remedy

In Ayurveda, goiter is related to ‘Galgand’ which is caused due to the aggravation of the Kapha dosha. When a person is suffering from goiter, he or she should make a slight change in the diet as a part of Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda recommends the intake of barley, old rice, cucumber, and milk. Sour food should be totally restricted.

If you are having a deficiency of iodine, then intake of food that contains iodine will treat the problem. Foods like salt, turnips, carrots, garlic, onion, tomatoes, lettuce, and sea foods have iodine content. Also include certain fruits like pineapples, bananas, guavas, strawberries, and citrus fruits.

Take dandelion leaves, smear it with ghee then warm it and use as a bandage.
Use this ghee smeared dandelion leaves to bandage the affected area for about a ten to fourteen days period. This is a good natural home remedy to cure goiter.

Watercress is considered as one of the best remedies to cure iodine deficiency. Apply the paste of this vegetable on the affected area to cure goiter. This Ayurvedic goiter remedy helps in reducing the swelling.

Flaxseeds are beneficial in treating goiter. Grind these seeds in water and heat it before applying on the affected area. Use its leaves to bandage it for better treatment of goiter.

Include foods that are rich in vitamin A for iodine. It will help in curing goiter. Vitamin B complexes help in nourishing the thyroid gland.

One good Ayurvedic goiter remedy to deal with the thyroid gland is to do fasting for a few weeks just by having vegetables and fruit juices. You can start having easy-to-swallow nutritious food after a few weeks.

Ayurvedic Goiter Remedy

A person suffering from goiter should have plenty of rest. Gentle oil massage on the affected area is recommended by Ayurveda to reduce the swelling. There are some useful Ayurvedic plants such as Gokasura, Shilajit, Jatamansi and Kanchanara that are beneficial in treating goiter.

Proper stretching exercise of neck is helpful in treating goiter. Also there are some yogas like halasana, suptavajras, naukasana, matsyasana, suryanamaskara, and pranayama that are useful in treating goiter very effectively. Consider an Ayurvedic goiter remedy if you want a more natural way to cure goiter

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Ayurvedic goiter remedy

Treating for Gout

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout

By Sunil

Gout is a health condition where there is accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. This happens when there is problem in the protein metabolism and the uric acid from the kidneys is not excreted properly. Does an Ayurvedic treatment for gout exist? Yes it does.

Gout causes inflammation, pain, and itching in the joints. Excess intake of protein rich foods, alcohol, certain drugs, anemia, kidney disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, and hereditary conditions can increase the uric acid level in your body.

Gout is diagnosed through blood and urine tests. This disease is said to have no cure. However, with proper care and medicines, it can be controlled effectively. You can use Ayurvedic treatment for gout, however. Ayurvedic plants and remedies are better to control this disease. Also there are some methods that you should follow to prevent and treat gout.

  • You should completely avoid taking protein-rich food especially which are high in purines. This is contained in food such as organ meats, fish, spinach and beans.
  • Vegetarian diet will prevent and treat gout.
  • You should avoid alcohol. Intake of alcohol can aggravate the problem.
  • Drink plenty of water to expel the uric acid from your body.
  • fresh cheries help gout
    Fruits like fresh cherries help in preventing and treating gout.
  • Fruits like fresh cherries, blueberries, and strawberries help in preventing and treating gout.
  • Fruits like apple and bananas also help in reducing the level of uric acid in the body.
  • Ice treatment is good for inflammation. Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and place this on the affected area.

Boswellia: This herb provides soothing relief from joint aches. It helps in supporting the joints and reduces the inflammation. This herb is also beneficial in reducing the weight of the body.

Ashwagandha: This herb has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat any kind of inflammation including the inflammation in the joint. This herb is very effective in reducing stress and helps in treating arthritis and gout. It improves the function of joints.

Amla: It is useful in treating metabolic disorders and gout. It is rich in vitamin C and eating this daily helps in treating gout. It also helps in treating anemia and diabetes.

Lemon: This also has rich source of vitamin C that helps in reducing the level of uric acid in the body. Drinking lemon juice daily helps in treating gout.

Neem: This herb is very useful in purifying the blood. It also has a unique property that helps in treating gout.

Alfafa leaves are very effective in treating gout.

Alfalfa: Its leaves are very effective in treating gout. It has certain minerals that help in reducing uric acid.

With the help of these Ayurvedic plants and by avoiding certain foods that increases the level of uric acid, gout can be treated effectively without any side effects. Be sure to consult a doctor or an Ayurveda practitioner if you want to use Ayurvedic treatment for gout.

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Curing Piles


Ayurvedic Treatment is the Best for Curing Piles

By Shankar.

People suffering from piles are increasing due to the sedentary lifestyle. Piles are also known as hemorrhoids that are referred to the enlargement of the veins found near the anal region. It can be very painful and also cause itching. When bleeding occurs, it is called bleeding piles. The other symptoms are gas forming in the stomach, pain while passing stool, and pain in the rectal region while sitting.

Hemorrhoids or piles are referred to as Arsha Shoola’ in Ayurveda. The ayurvedic treatment is provided based on the three doshas. The treatment for piles varies from person to person based on his or her Ayurveda type of body. Ayurveda believes that Pitta dosha controls the metabolic system and the function of expelling the waste from the body. Therefore, imbalance in the Pitta dosha create piles problem.

The major causes for piles are chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, giving too much pressure in evacuating the bowels, long hours of sitting, emotional imbalances, pregnancy, and obesity. As more and more people are increasing with piles, many opt for Ayurveda types of treatment. There are several natural herbal remedies you can use it from home to treat piles.

Aloe Vera: This herb is very effective in treating digestive system. Drinking Aloe Vera juice helps in curing indigestion, hyper acidity, flatulence, and loss of appetite. Mix Aloe Vera juice in a glass of plain water and drink it on empty stomach twice a day. This remedy is beneficial in curing piles.

Ginger: It is best for non-bleeding piles. Intake of ginger juice can cure piles. You can also take half teaspoon of ginger juice and mix with one teaspoon of lemon juice and drink it to get relief from piles. Drinking the decoction of dried ginger is also very effective remedy in treating piles.

Bael fruit: This fruit is beneficial in treating internal piles. You can take this fruit in several forms. You can mix its juice in water and drink it. Eating raw fruit is also beneficial in treating piles.

Radish juice and honey mixture on the affected area gives some relief from piles.

Radish: Applying radish juice and honey mixture on the affected rectal region helps in giving relief from piles.

Carrot: Eating raw or cooked carrot daily will help to reduce bleeding. Carrot can also take care of many other health problems.

Sesame seeds: Prepare decoction by adding a little sesame seeds to half a liter of boiling water and simmer it till it is reduced to one third of the quantity. Have this to cure piles.

Improper diet is one of the major causes of pile formation. You should restrict the intake of certain food like tea, coffee, spicy food, oily food, and canned food. You should also avoid alcohol and smoking to prevent and cure piles.

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Ayurvedic Dandruff Treatment

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Dandruff

By Sunil.

Dandruff is the problem on the scalp where dry flakes of skin are found. These white dry flakes tend to fall from the scalp on to the face and neck causing pimples and acnes. Dandruff can cause itching on the scalp that further worsens the problem.

Dandruff can also lead to heavy hair fall. It can be cured with proper care of the scalp and the hair. There are certain issues that bring the dandruff problems. Stress is one of the major causes for dry scalp. You can do yoga and meditation to tackle the problem of stress.

If your hair is over exposed to sun or polluted air, then sweat, dust, and dirt get accumulated on the scalp and hair causing dandruff and fungus on the scalp. It should be treated immediately to prevent it from worsening.

Hectic lifestyle and improper diet also cause dandruff. You should have a well balanced Ayurveda diet by including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Drink plenty of water because it helps to rejuvenate the skin. You should reduce the intake of coffee, tea, chocolates, and sugar. Restrict the intake of spicy and oily food which causes the dandruff problem.

aloe vera
Drinking Aloe Vera juice helps in curing indigestion, among other things, plus helping to reduce dandruff.
Aloe Vera: You can apply the juice or gel of Aloe Vera plant on the scalp to reduce the dandruff. Wash it off after sometime by using a mild herbal shampoo.

Sandalwood: Massage your scalp with sandalwood oil that has cooling and soothing effect on the skin. You can also add lime juice to this oil and apply it on the scalp for curing severe dandruff.

Lemon: You can apply the juice of lemon on the scalp and wash it off to get rid of dandruff. Mix lemon juice into the mug of water and use it as the last rinse on your hair to make it shining.

Henna: This herb is traditionally used as a good hair conditioner. It not only removes the dandruff, but also treats premature graying of the hair. It strengthens the root of the hair and promotes hair growth.

Jojoba oil: Apply a few drops of jojoba oil onto the scalp and hair. Now dip a towel in hot water, squeeze the water out and wrap your hair and head for ten to fifteen minutes, after which, use a mild herbal shampoo to wash it off. This home remedy will take care of the problems like itchy scalp and dandruff. It also repairs the damaged hair and promotes hair growth.

These are very useful Ayurvedic home remedies that will not only get rid of dandruff> problems but also give you healthy and beautiful hair. However, it is very important to follow Ayurveda diet to make these home remedies work faster. We think you’ll be happy with this alternative Ayurvedic Dandruff Treatment.

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Sunburn Home Remedies

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Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Sunburn

By Sunil.

Sunburn means the burnt condition of the skin due to over- exposure to the sun; the affected area becomes darker than the normal skin color. Persons with fairer skin are more prone to suffer sunburns as they have lesser melanin in their body to protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Breath a little easier because there are Ayurvedic home remedies for sunburn.

If the skin is excessively exposed, it gets damaged and can lead to serious risk factors like skin cancer. If you spend more time under the sun, you will get wrinkles and other signs of aging very soon. People with very sensitive skin will get red rashes on their skin when they are out in the sun.

The symptoms of sunburn vary from person to person. Some may have just red rashes on the skin while others may suffer from certain symptoms like excess heat, redness, swelling, pain, blisters, weakness, fever, nausea, and vomiting. In extreme cases, it can lead to fatigue, loss of body fluid, and low blood pressure.

sunburn lady
Be careful, it’s easy to get a sunburn, especially doing this at the beach.
According to Ayurvedic concept, sunburn is known as ‘daah’ or ‘daagdh rog’. Along with over exposure to the sun, aggravation in the Pitta dosha can also cause sunburn. A well balanced diet will help you to overcome this skin condition.

Try out these Ayurvedic home remedies for sunburn relief.

Chamomile: Pour chamomile tea in bathing water and soak yourself in this to get relief from inflamed skin.

Black tea: Black tea and green tea contain tannins. Pour these two in the bathing tub and soak yourself to get relief from sunburn.

Sandalwood: It gives a cooling and soothing effect on the sun-burnt skin. Apply a paste of sandalwood and rosewater on the affected area to get relief from the tingling sensation caused due to sunburn.

Enjoy the a cooling effect that helps in soothing the sun burnt skin.
Cucumber: It has a cooling effect that helps in soothing the sun burnt skin. Grate or slice a cucumber and place them on the affected area. Applying its juice too will help. You can also use potato instead of cucumber or both.

>Aloe Vera: The juice or gel of this herb can be used as a natural sunscreen on your body before you go out in the sun. It helps in protecting your skin against the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun.

These are good natural Ayurvedic home remedies for sunburn according to Ayurvedic concepts. Ayurveda also suggests you to protect your skin from the ultra violet rays of the sun by using an umbrella and wearing sun glasses, or avoid going out during peak hours of the noon.

Ayurvedic concept also believes in yoga and exercise to treat several ailments. Though there are no particular yoga postures for treating sunburn, you can do simple breathing exercises.

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Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough

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Ayurvedic Treatment and Remedies for Cough Ailments

By Sunil

Ayurveda believes that cough, like any other ailments, occur due to imbalances in the three Ayurvedic doshas. When there is a change in the balance on any of the three doshas, it can cause tiredness and health problems.

Based on this theory, Ayurvedic treatment for cough are provided along with a diet plan to be followed while undergoing treatment.

Ayurveda believes that the imbalance in the Vata dosha causes coughing and other respiratory problems. Cough is mostly caused due to the irritation in the throat. Some coughs disappear within a few days with proper care and medicines, while other coughs continue for several days that aggravates in the night.

There are natural Ayurvedic remedies to cure cough that is caused due to any Ayurvedic dosha.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough

Some Ingredients to Help your Cough

Bayberry: This herb is very effective in treating throat congestion.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough Honeybee honey
Honey helps in soothing the throat.
Honey: Honey is one of the main ingredients used in herbal cough syrups. It helps in soothing the throat. Have one glass of warm water by adding a tablespoon of honey to cure whooping cough.

Licorice: This herb has anti-inflammatory properties. Its root is used in powder form to cure cough. Consume five grams of this powder along with honey to get relief from coughs. You can also prepare a decoction by adding half teaspoon of this powder to one cup of boiling water and drinking it. You can have up to three cups daily.

Alfalfa: This herb is very helpful in treating coughs very effectively. It helps in preventing whooping cough. It also soothes the throat.

Aloe Vera: The juice of Aloe Vera is very useful in treating coughs. You can also add honey to this juice that will help preventing whooping cough.

Ginger: Mix the juice of ginger and honey, and have one tablespoon twice daily to get relief from whooping cough.

organic onions
Organic onions – raw onion juice and honey daily helps to cure whooping cough.
Onion: If you don’t like ginger, you can use the juice of raw onion and honey and drink it one tablespoon daily to cure whooping cough.

Black pepper: Chewing two to three black pepper seeds helps in treating throat and chest congestion. This home remedy is very beneficial in treating cough.

Garlic: It is used as a good home remedy for curing whooping cough. You can prepare hot soup by using plenty of garlic and drink it warm to get relief from throat irritation and cough.
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Ayurvedic Natural Remedies

Ayurvedic natural remediesare very effective in treating coughs without any side effects. However, you should not take any cold food or beverages during cough. You should also avoid spicy and oily food that can aggravate the cough.

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Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough

Dandruff be Gone

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Dandruff be Gone using Ayurvedic Remedies

By Sunil

Dandruff is very troublesome problem. It is like white snow falling from your scalp to your shoulders. It can sometimes cause itchy feeling. Dandruff can bother a person very much especially if a person wants to go for a party or propose someone. It can be an embarrassing situation approaching someone with dandruff on your head.

Dandruff can be the major cause for hair loss. If it is not treated fast, you will lose a lot more strands before you realize the damage done. Dandruff can be caused from poor diet, poor metabolism, infection, hormonal imbalance, and improper care of your hair. Most men and women have dandruff on their scalp. This can be treated with some of the Ayurvedic home remedies:

Indian Gooseberry or Amla
Indian Gooseberry or Amla

Amla: Amla has rich nutrients value. It is very beneficial for treating dandruff. It is good for dry skin and scalp. During winter, the skin becomes dry and the scalp starts shedding dandruff. Amla is a good moisturizer. It can fight dandruff and gives you relief from it.

Aloe Vera: Ayurveda recommends using the gel of Aloe Vera on your scalp. Then wash it off after ten minutes with a good herbal shampoo. Aloe Vera gel is very effective to treat dandruff. If you have Aloe Vera plant at your home, you can just pluck some and rub the gel on to your scalp and see the positive results.

olive oil
Olive oil has nutrients that are required for healthy skin and is a treatment for dandruff.
Olive oil: Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and other nutrients that are required for healthy skin. Olive oil is a better treatment for severe dandruff. If you want olive oil to be more effective, then add almond oil with equal quantities along with olive oil and apply it on your skin. Let the oil penetrate in to the skin. Wash it off after 10-15 minutes.

Karpura: Mix karpura with coconut oil and massage it on your scalp. It gives relief from dandruff.

Henna: According to Ayurveda, henna is very effective for treating dandruff. Take henna powder, hibiscus powder, amla powder, a little fenugreek powder, curd, lemon and mix these with coffee decoction. Leave this mixture in an iron bowl and leave it overnight. Next morning apply this mixture on your scalp and hair and leave it on for about an hour and a half. After that, you can wash it off. This mixture can do wonders on severe dandruff, gray hair, and hair growth.

These Ayurvedic remedies are safe to treat dandruff. Once the dandruff is treated, you will also see the result of hair growth. Ayurveda recommends having proper diet and regular exercise to have healthy skin.

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Common Fever and Ayurvedic Remedies

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Ayurvedic Remedies for Common Fever

By Sunil

The average normal temperature of the human body is 98.6 degree Fahrenheit. When this temperature goes beyond the prescribed degree of 100.4 degree Fahrenheit, it is considered as fever. Low fever helps to kill the germs that bring diseases in our body and therefore, it is not required to be treated. But if your fever shoots up above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, then you seriously need to go for a medical checkup.

Let’s check if you have a fever today.
Fever is one of the major symptoms in diseases like infections, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy, jaundice, influenza, dengue, malaria, and measles.

Fever is normally accompanied by severe headaches and joint pains that make a person feel very weak. If there is fever, it will be better for you to avoid certain foods and concentrate only on a proper health diet.

  1. Have easily digestible fibrous food.
  2. Have water at room temperature and consume vegetable soups as much as you can. Avoid putting any type of starch to thicken the soups.
  3. Have fresh fruit juices, fresh whole fruits, and green vegetables.
  4. Avoid preserved and fast food, spicy food, poultry, meat, and dairy products for few days. Also avoid being on empty stomach for long.
  5. Avoid physical activities.
  6. Take good rest and sleep for a minimum of six hours.

Where treating common fever is concerned, there is nothing like Ayurvedic herbs, and more so because they have very little or no side effects.

Holy Basil: This Ayurvedic herb is one of the best herbal home remedies for curing common fever. Prepare its decoction by boiling few leaves in half a liter of water. For the first two to three days, drink this decoction twice a day.

Turmeric: It is a very effective antiseptic for fighting germs. Add a pinch to a glass of warm water or milk and drink it.

Saffron: Tea containing saffron reduces common fever.

Cinnamon: It is another important Ayurvedic herb to treat common fever. Add a pinch each of cinnamon powder and black pepper powder, and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of hot water. Not only relief from fever, this preparation helps to take care of throat irritation and pain that accompanies fever.

Raisins have other helpful uses in addition to helping with common fever.
Raisin: Its extract is a very useful tonic. Add a few raisins to a cup of water and then crush the raisins. Filter the water and then drink the juice to get relief.

Ginger: Its extracts are very useful and as such, ginger tea helps quite a lot during fever.

These Ayurvedic remedies can be easily prepared at home. However, you need to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner if your fever is due to any major disease mentioned above.

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