Ayurveda Facial Treatment

Facial Treatment at Home with Ayurvedic Remedies

By Shankar.

If your beautiful face is covered with dark pimples, acne, dark spots, and wrinkles, then your face will look dull and will affect your total appearance. Many people who face these problems often visit beauty parlors and spend huge amount of money to have their beautiful skin back. Therefore, not only money, you also end up spending lot of unnecessary time for it.

Instead, how about trying Ayurveda next time? Not many believe in Ayurveda. However, it can bring a wonderful change to your skin and your life. According to Ayurveda, there are three types of doshas called the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If your body type is vata, then your skin will be rough, dry, cold, and thin with fine pores; if your body type is pitta, then your skin will be fair and delicate with freckles, acne, and moles.

This type of skin is prone to burns. In case of kapha, your skin will be smooth, moist, oily, and thick with large pores. Based on the skin type you are having, Ayurvedic remedies can help you solve all your skin problems.


Before we get into treatment, follow the basic tips recommended by Ayurveda.

  • Drink 2-3 liters of water daily.
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
  • Include a lot of fibrous food in your diet to allow the digestive system to work properly.
  • Have nutritious food.
  • Consume milk and yogurt daily.
  • Avoid eating oily and fried foods.
  • Do regular exercises.
  • Do yoga and meditation.


Also, try out the following Ayurvedic home remedies:

Haritaki: This is an herbaceous plant. This herb is used for treating skin diseases. Haritaki helps to eliminate toxins and constipation. This herb promotes the absorption of nutrients and improves digestion. Beautiful skin depends on the proper function of the body. Haritaki is recommended for acne by Ayurveda. This herb is an anti-inflammatory.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is used from ancient times. This herb is widely used for several purposes. Aloe Vera gel, which is taken freshly from the plant, is applied on the face. This herb helps to get rid of wrinkles and other signs of aging. It also moisturizes and gives soothing effect for the skin.

Lemon and Almond: Lemon has citric and alpha hydroxyl acid that help to lighten the dark spots on the skin. When skin is excessively exposed to sun and air pollution, dark spots appear on the skin, which is known as ‘hyper-pigmentation’. According to Ayurvedic herbal remedy, a mixture of a few almonds with lemon juice and fresh cream of milk can be applied on the face and on the areas where black spots appear. This will lighten the dark spots and gives a glowing skin.

Though herbal remedies do not have any side effects, it would be better to consult an ayurveda practitioner before you try. Some people can be allergic to some herbs. It is better to find out whether you are allergic to any herbs before you start the treatment.

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