Treating for Gout

Travel Quiz Weekly

Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout

By Sunil

Gout is a health condition where there is accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. This happens when there is problem in the protein metabolism and the uric acid from the kidneys is not excreted properly. Does an Ayurvedic treatment for gout exist? Yes it does.

Gout causes inflammation, pain, and itching in the joints. Excess intake of protein rich foods, alcohol, certain drugs, anemia, kidney disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, and hereditary conditions can increase the uric acid level in your body.

Gout is diagnosed through blood and urine tests. This disease is said to have no cure. However, with proper care and medicines, it can be controlled effectively. You can use Ayurvedic treatment for gout, however. Ayurvedic plants and remedies are better to control this disease. Also there are some methods that you should follow to prevent and treat gout.

  • You should completely avoid taking protein-rich food especially which are high in purines. This is contained in food such as organ meats, fish, spinach and beans.
  • Vegetarian diet will prevent and treat gout.
  • You should avoid alcohol. Intake of alcohol can aggravate the problem.
  • Drink plenty of water to expel the uric acid from your body.
  • fresh cheries help gout
    Fruits like fresh cherries help in preventing and treating gout.
  • Fruits like fresh cherries, blueberries, and strawberries help in preventing and treating gout.
  • Fruits like apple and bananas also help in reducing the level of uric acid in the body.
  • Ice treatment is good for inflammation. Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and place this on the affected area.

Boswellia: This herb provides soothing relief from joint aches. It helps in supporting the joints and reduces the inflammation. This herb is also beneficial in reducing the weight of the body.

Ashwagandha: This herb has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat any kind of inflammation including the inflammation in the joint. This herb is very effective in reducing stress and helps in treating arthritis and gout. It improves the function of joints.

Amla: It is useful in treating metabolic disorders and gout. It is rich in vitamin C and eating this daily helps in treating gout. It also helps in treating anemia and diabetes.

Lemon: This also has rich source of vitamin C that helps in reducing the level of uric acid in the body. Drinking lemon juice daily helps in treating gout.

Neem: This herb is very useful in purifying the blood. It also has a unique property that helps in treating gout.

Alfafa leaves are very effective in treating gout.

Alfalfa: Its leaves are very effective in treating gout. It has certain minerals that help in reducing uric acid.

With the help of these Ayurvedic plants and by avoiding certain foods that increases the level of uric acid, gout can be treated effectively without any side effects. Be sure to consult a doctor or an Ayurveda practitioner if you want to use Ayurvedic treatment for gout.

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Acne Treatment Remedies

Ayurvedic Acne Treatment and Remedies Based on Natural Herbs

By Shankar.

According to Ayurveda, one of the major causes for increased pimples and acne are due to increased Ayurveda Kapha and Vata doshas. Ayurvedic acne treatment can help eliminate this common skin disease.

Acne is a type of normal skin disease that is caused due to poor lifestyle. There are Ayurvedic Remedies for Acne; some of the herbs used in acne treatment are listed below.

People who are prone to such skin conditions should avoid too much intake of spicy food, oily food, fatty food, chocolates, and caffeine.
ayurvedic acne treatment

Some Ayurvedic Acne Treatments and Remedies

Ayurvedic acne treatment is the best natural treatment for treating acne and other skin related problems>. Try some of these Ayurveda suggestions to treat your acne.

Aloe Vera: The juice of its leaves have several important medicinal values. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help in acne treatment and other skin ailments.

Applying Aloe Vera gel gives a soothing effect on your skin. It contains vitamin C and vitamin E that nourish the skin. You can also mix the juice of Aloe Vera in a glass of water and drink it daily.

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Lemon: It is rich in Vitamin C that is essential for a healthy skin. It has antibacterial property. Applying lemon juice daily on your face will reduce the acne problems and lightens the dark spots.

Improper digestion can also cause pimples and acne. Drink one or two glasses of lemon juice daily. It is a good tonic for the digestive system.

Sandalwood: Oily skin is more prone to pimples and acne. Apply the paste of sandalwood on your face and wash it off when it dries. It helps in curing acne and gives a cooling and soothing effect on your skin.

It has a mild astringent that is useful in treating oily skin and in acne treatment.

Lavender oil: It is mild and safe to use for healing acne. It has anti-inflammatory that helps in killing the bacteria and takes care of your skin. Lavender oil can also be used along with tea tree oil and lemon for better results.

Neem: This is one of the best herbs for acne treatment and treating all skin problems. You can also use the roots of the neem by putting it in water and using this water on the pimples and acne for quick relief.

Fennel seeds: Grind these seeds to a fine powder. Make a paste by using this powder, milk, and lemon juice. Apply this paste on your face and leave it overnight. Wash your face the next morning with slightly warm water. This remedy gives fast relief from pimples and acne. ad

Camphor: It has a cooling and soothing effect on your skin. It helps in giving you relief from burning sensation on the areas of pimples and acne.

Ayurveda acne treatment with the help of these natural herbs can take care of pimples, acne, and other skin irritation problems at home. Most importantly, you should maintain the balance of Ayurveda Kapha> and Vata dosha.

That will reduce and prevent skin problems by maintaining proper diet and digestive system.

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Ayurvedic Herbs for Backache

Ayurvedic Herbs and Remedies for Backache and Back Pain

By Shankar.

Backache has become a common ailment suffered by many people all over the world. Both young and old people have back pain. Some people have it frequently while others suffer for a short period. Back pain or backache should not be ignored. Even a simple backache can be symptoms of serious arthritis problems, ovarian cysts, kidney failure, or certain infections.

Back pain is caused due to improper sitting, walking, or sleeping posture. It can also happen if you sit before your computer for long time at a stretch. This is a relatively new cause of backaches and many people are in the situation of sitting in front of a computer for hours at a time, even every day.

Improper diet, poor digestion, emotional imbalance, sleeplessness, and lifting heavy objects are some of the major reasons for back pain. Taking pain killers each time you suffer a backache or pain can lead to other serious health problems so be careful about this. Start using Ayurvedic herbs that have no side effects.

Devil’s claw: This herb has been used as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It is very effective in relieving lower back pain. It helps in giving relief from joint pains caused by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Cayenne Pepper: It is commonly known as red chili. Its extracts are one of the important ingredients used for the treatment of arthritis and muscle pain.

Castor oil: It has astringent properties that help in giving relief from muscle pain, muscle stiffness, and treats arthritis. It can be applied on the affected area. It is useful in treating chronic joint pain and osteoarthritis.

Boswellia: Ayurveda uses this herb widely for joint support. It is also used in combination with guggulu for the treatment of arthritis.

Guggulu: It can be used as a single herb for the treatment of arthritis. It is a gum resin that is used as an antiseptic and gives relief from muscle pain.

Neem: Ayurveda recognizes this herb as containing the best healing property. Its anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial in the treatment of joint and muscle pain.

Comfrey root: This herb effectively relieves joint and muscle pain. It is a useful herb for the treatment of both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Betel: The juice of this leaf is mixed with coconut oil and applied on the affected area. It helps in providing quick relief from backache.

Aloe Vera: Daily intake of Aloe Vera’s pulp will reduce frequency of backache.

Garlic: Include garlic in your food daily, especially to reduce your back pain or backaches.

Mustard oil and Sesame oil: Apply these oils to get relief from backache.

Along with these Ayurvedic herbs and remedies, you can also try yoga asanas such as bhujangasana, shavasana, shalabhasana, halasana, and uttarapadasana with the help of a yoga practitioner.

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Ayurvedic Herbs Fight Wrinkles

Use Ayurvedic Herbs to Fight against Wrinkles

By Shankar.

Wrinkles are the visible signs of old age. No one likes to have wrinkles on their face and neck that show the process of aging. Well, there are many cosmetic products available in the market to get rid of the signs of aging. However, continuous use of these products may lead you to certain harmful side effects. Before we find out a better solution, check out certain important factors.

  • Drink at least two liters of water daily
  • Have a proper balanced diet
  • Do exercise regularly
  • Do yoga and meditation to reduce stress
  • Have a minimum of seven of hours sleep
  • Reduce the intake of coffee and tea
  • Quit smoking and drinking alcohol

The best remedy to look youthful is to use Ayurvedic herbs and remedies. These natural herbs prevent wrinkles to a great extent.

Aloe Vera: This herb is very effective Ayurvedic herb for all skin problems. It is a good moisturizer for the use on dry and damaged skin. It also takes care of pimples, acne, scars, sun burn, and stretch marks. Regular use of this herb will extend the signs of aging. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is very good for skin and overall health.

Almond: It is beneficial not only for the skin but also for the eyes and hair. Regular use of almond makes the skin soft, supple, healthy, and prevents wrinkles. It is also useful in lightening the dark circles and puffiness around your eyes.

Neem: It is used primarily for all skin problems in Ayurvedic treatment. Neem is a tree and all the parts of this tree have medicinal values in Ayurveda. The use of neem is one of the best remedy and Ayurvedic herbs for all skin ailments. It is also useful for preventing wrinkles.

Sandalwood: It is used in the form of powder and oil. It has a pleasant aroma. It has antiseptic, antimicrobial, and cooling properties that help in treating blackheads and scars on the skin. It also clears the wrinkles from your skin.

Lemon: It has astringent effect. It is a good tonic for your skin. It helps to prevent wrinkles, dark spots, and pimples. Regular use of lemon will refresh your skin.

Horse chestnut bark: It is very useful for skin. It has antioxidant agent. Studies have proved that it is useful for preventing wrinkles.

Sunflower: Sunflower seeds have rich source of Vitamin E which is very essential for a healthy skin. It gives you youthful, radiant, and wrinkle free skin.

Amla: It has rich source of Vitamin C which is good for a healthy skin. Regular intake of the Ayurvedic herb Amla, will give you youthful looking skin.

Ayurvedic herbs and methods are the best way to give proper care to your skin. These have no side effects and can be used for long term. You will attain natural and beautiful skin with these natural herbs without affecting your health.

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Ayurvedic Medicinal Kit

Ayurvedic Medicinal Kit for Cuts and Wounds

By Shankar.

Having a first aid kit at home is a must, especially, if there are children around. They keep hurting themselves while playing and come up with cuts and wounds on every other day. It is better to have a few useful Ayurvedic herbs in your first aid kit. Ayurvedic medicines heal your wounds, cuts, and other skin ailments holistically.

There are many natural home remedies to treat and cure cuts and wounds. Some of the useful things that can be always found in your kitchen are garlic, ginger, turmeric, honey, sugar, and ice cubes. The immediate treatment that is required for a cut or wound is to stop the bleeding first. For this you can apply a little sugar on the cuts to stop bleeding immediately.

You can also use ice cubes on the cuts to stop bleeding and also to reduce the swelling around the wound. Hold the cut area above the level of your heart to stop excess bleeding. Once the bleeding has stopped, you should clean the wound and apply turmeric and tie it with a bandage. Turmeric is used as antiseptic that can heal cuts and wounds very effectively.

Garlic has allicin that helps in giving speedy recovery from cuts and wounds. You can apply garlic paste on the wound. Applying the paste of ginger on the wound will heal it very effectively. Raw honey is also used to apply on such cuts and wounds to heal it naturally. There are some Ayurvedic herbs also to help you to treat small problems like cuts, burns, and other skin irritation problems.

Neem: This herb is a very effective medicine for almost all the skin problems. It is very useful in treating any injuries and wounds.

Comfrey: This is one of the important regenerative herbs that you should have always with you. It helps in growing new cells and skin quickly. This herb is very effective even for deep cuts and gives fast recovery.

Aloe Vera: This herb has numerous healing powers. It is an excellent herb that can heal bad cuts and wounds. This herb can also be used along with other antibiotic herbs for healing the cuts quickly.

Calendula flower: The dark orange and yellow marigold flowers have many medicinal values. Having this plant at home will be very beneficial for you to cure several skin ailments. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties help in curing injuries naturally. Calendula oil is effective in treating cuts, wounds, and bruises.

Tea tree oil: After cleaning the cuts or wounds, apply the tea tree oil on this area to prevent infection. You can also add a few drops of this oil to the water and use it to clean the cuts and wounds.

Witch hazel: It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in healing the cuts and wounds. The leaves and bark of this plant can be used for treating many skin irritations.

Yarrow: It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to disinfect wounds. The herb is very effective to stop bleeding.

All these Ayurvedic herbs are harmless and have no side effects. However, there are certain herbs that should not be used by some people such as pregnant women, breast feeding mothers, and those who are allergic to certain herbs. Therefore, it is better to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to make sure that these herbs are safe for you to use.

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Reduce High Blood Sugar Levels

Reduce High Blood Sugar Levels with Ayurvedic Plants and Home Remedies

By Shankar.

High blood sugar or diabetes is a health disorder. In this health condition, the body is not able to make enough insulin, or cannot respond to insulin, or distribute it well in the body. Glucose is required for the cells to provide energy to the body. In case of diabetic patient, due to the absence of insulin, glucose cannot be absorbed in the cells and as a result it remains in the blood causing high glucose in the blood.

Over time, the high level of glucose in the blood can cause other serious health disorders like cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease, and blindness, damage to blood vessels, stroke, and eventually death. There are two types of diabetes such as type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes usually affects children and teenagers. In this case, pancreas stops making insulin due to its damage caused by the body’s immune system.

Type 2 diabetes is usually found in the people after the age of 30. Here the health disorder is due to poor lifestyle, obesity, advancing age, and heredity. In case of type 2 diabetes, though the body produces enough insulin, it cannot process it adequately. Intake of excessive sugar and lack of exercise can cause type 2 diabetes, even in children.

People with high blood sugar show the symptoms like low energy, dizziness, increase in thirst, hunger pangs even after having food, urge for frequent urination, sudden change in the weight, low healing process on wounds and cuts, vaginal infection, and impotence. If you feel these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor and do a blood sugar test that will diagnose whether you are pre-diabetic or a diabetic patient.

There are some Ayurvedic plants and natural home remedies that will help to reduce high blood sugar levels.

Ashwagandha: This herb is used to treat diabetes. It helps in reducing the level of sugar in the blood very effectively. It is also beneficial in treating hyperglycemic (low sugar) condition.

Neem: This herb has been scientifically proven to cure diabetes. Its leaf extracts help to reduce the blood sugar levels and it also improves the blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels.

Bael: Its leaves have anti-diabetic properties. The extract from its leaves should be consumed to reduce the level of blood sugar. It is very effective in curing diabetes.

Onion: It has hypoglycemic properties that help in treating diabetes. It reduces the blood sugar level very effectively and naturally.

Garlic: It has allicin that helps in reducing high blood sugar levels. Garlic is effective in treating diabetes naturally.

Turmeric: This is useful in treating diabetes. Regular intake of turmeric can reduce the level of sugar in the blood. It is more effective when it is taken with amla.

Fenugreek: This is a wonderful herb that reduces the level of blood sugar very effectively. It helps in bringing the sugar out through urine.

Bitter gourd: This vegetable is very useful in curing diabetes. Its seeds help in reducing the blood sugar levels.

Ayurvedic plants are beneficial in treating diabetes without any harmful side effects. If these Ayurvedic plants are taken regularly, they can reduce high blood sugar levels in the blood. Include plenty of garlic, onions, turmeric, and sprouts in your diet to lower any high blood sugar levels. Also, it is very important to do exercise and walk an hour regularly. Also include yoga and meditation to lead a stress-free life.

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Ayurveda for Ringworm

Ayurveda for Curing Ringworm

By Shankar.

Ringworm is a skin disease caused by the fungi infection. It is highly contagious and can spread to other parts of the body. This fungus is caused due to poor hygiene. If the cloth you are wearing is not clean or improper drying of clothes can cause this skin disorder.

Ringworms appear in circular red patches. It keeps spreading in circular manner and start healing in the center. It causes itchy and irritation on the affected area. This infection can also cause due to lack of immunity.

Ayurvedic medical term for ringworm is referred to as dadru, which is caused due to aggravation in the vata dosha. A slight change in the diet will improve the skin condition. Sour, spicy, oily, and hot foods can aggravate the ringworm problem. Therefore, these foods should be avoided along with hot beverages like coffee and tea.

You should include lot of green vegetables in your diet. Intake of bitter gourd and neem would give fast relief from ringworm. There are some Ayurvedic plants that are useful in treating ringworm. There is a chance of occurring again. Therefore, you should keep continuing to use these plants for one or two weeks more after you feel that you have recovered from this skin disease.

Neem: This plant is very useful in treating all kind of skin disorders. It is safe for applying externally on the affected area as well as consuming it for treating any kind of skin problems. You can make a paste from its leaves and apply it on the affected area.

Holy Basil: This Ayurvedic plant is used for treating ringworm very effectively. Use the juice of its leaves to apply regularly on the affected area to cure it.

Turmeric: It has antiseptic value that helps in treating any kind of skin disorders. Make a paste using turmeric and water and apply this on the affected area. Turmeric can also be taken orally either by mixing a teaspoon of it in a glass of water and drinking it or mix it with honey and have it.

Coriander: Prepare juice from the coriander leaves and consume it to treat ringworms. You can also add turmeric to this juice and drink to treat this skin disease more effectively.

Butea: This plant is used very effectively since years in Ayurvedic treatment for ringworms. Prepare a paste by grinding its seeds and mix it with water. Apply this on the affected area. You can also use lemon juice instead of water to make its paste.

Maintaining proper hygiene and proper diet is necessary to treat ringworms. However, if this skin problem persists or worsens, consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to treat it quickly.

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