Ayurveda Herbs for Anemia

Ayurvedic Herbs for Anemia

By Sunil

Anemia is a state of health where Red Blood Cells (RBC) are less than the required amount in the body. The causes are dietary deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, vitamin C and folic acid, less hemoglobin, loss of blood, blood cell destruction, and inadequate production of red blood cell, thyroid disorders, and alcohol.

A person suffering from anemia will have symptoms like difficult breathing, rapid heartbeats, fatigue, panting for breath after physical activities, brittle nails and pale complexion. These symptoms are not restricted only to anemia patients; they may also occur in a person suffering from different diseases. Therefore, it is important to seek medical help if you have these symptoms.

If you think that you can cure anemia all by yourself by gulping down some iron pills and vitamin supplements whenever you feel like it, then you are surely on the wrong track, and you will end up with more complications than you originally started with. You have to seek medical help if you have to tackle anemia.

There are different types of anemia such as Iron Deficiency Anemia, Megaloblastic Anemia, Anemia due to certain diseases like kidney disorders, Aplastic Anemia, and Genetic Anemia.

The deficiency of anemia can be solved by including raw onion, beet root, green leafy vegetables, lentils, Indian gooseberry, nuts, dry fruits, liver, fish, eggs, and cheese in your diet, and what better than Ayurvedic herbs to help you cure of this disease.

Amla: It is nature’s richest source of Vitamin C. It is used as a tonic and antioxidant in Ayurvedic medicines to cure many health problems.

Alfalfa: It is a good herbal tonic to treat anemia. It is very effective and acts as anemia supplement.

Celery: It is rich in iron and can be taken with carrot juice, which is very effective in curing anemia.

Fenugreek: It is widely used in Indian cuisine. It is a good tonic for blood and helps in curing anemia, especially for girls during menstruation. It also helps to maintain the iron level in the body.

Black Sesame seeds: These are rich in iron and very effective in treating anemia.

Honey: It improves the level of hemoglobin in the body.

Fruits like plums, black grapes, bananas, strawberries, raisins, and tomatoes contain rich sources of iron and can prove to be beneficial in curing anemia.

Ayurveda also recommends to get exposed to sun as much as possible (but not so much during the summer season). Sun’s rays increase the production of RBCs. Light exercises and yoga recommended by Ayurvedic yoga instructor can also help to cure anemia.

Though the above herbs are very effective in preventing and curing anemia, it is better to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to check the severity of anemia you are suffering.

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Cure Insomnia with Ayurvedic Herbs

You can Cure Insomnia with Ayurvedic Herbs

By Sunil.

Many people suffer from sleep disturbances or insomnia. However, for some people it is a daily problem; even sleeping pills fail to have their effect. Lack of sleep can cause a lot of problems. Problems like improper digestion, acidity, heart burn, nausea, gastric problem, stress, anxiety, and depression can be caused by lack of sleep.

A sound sleep is essential for everyone to be healthy. People who suffer from insomnia feel less energetic throughout the day. They will feel weak and tired faster than people who have had good sleep. Many people pop-in sleeping pills to get good sleep. However, it has negative effects on the health of the person taking such pills.

There are several Ayurvedic herbs that can give almost the same effect of the sleeping pills. These natural herbs are a better remedy. Try these natural herbs to get rid of sleep disturbances.

Natural Herbs to Help get Rid of Sleep Disturbances

Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is one of the main ingredients included in many Ayurvedic medicines and treatment. Ashwagandha is a good herb that can increase the stamina and strength in the body throughout the day. This herb also helps in calming your mind and giving you sound sleep at night.

Valerian: Ayurveda< recommends this herb to cure insomnia. It is one of the most effective herbs that is approved for treating sleep disorders. Hops: The extracts from this herb is used as an Ayurvedic medicine to give good sleep. This herb is proved to reduce the sleep disturbances.

Lavender: Lavender is used to reduce anxiety and sleep disturbances. It acts as a good tonic for nervous system. Before bedtime, take a bath by adding a few drops of oil in the water. This will help to reduce sleep disturbances.

Calamus root: This herb is very effective in giving you good sleep. The powder made out of this root is taken daily by adding a teaspoon in a glass of warm water and/or milk.

Chamomile: Chamomile is a flowering plant that belongs to daisy family. Chamomile treats insomnia.

Passion flower: The extract from this flower promotes sleep.

Shatavari: This herb also helps to give a better sleep at night.

Check with Your Doctor First

These Ayurvedic remedies will take care of the sleeplessness problem. However, some of the herbs might not be suitable for all. It is advised to consult a doctor, before you choose Ayurvedic herbs to treat insomnia. If you are having sleep disturbances due to stress and depression, regular exercise and yoga will help to calm your mind and let you have good sleep.

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Remedies for Sprains

Ayurvedic Remedies for Sprains – Some You’re Very Familiar With

By Sunil.

Twisted ankles, muscle pulls, torn ligaments – sprains come in many painful forms. The sprain injury causes severe pain followed by swelling and discoloration on the affected area. There are ligaments attached to the bone. Situations like this could be perfect for Ayurvedic remedies for sprains.

When there is a sprain, the ligament may get stretched or torn. These and many more sprain injuries are candidates for Ayurvedic remedies for sprains.

A sprain can occur in a person by lifting heavy objects, overstretching the muscles, a fall, and accidents. Some people can have sprains just by bending to tie shoe lace or picking something up from the floor. The pain can be sometimes so severe that it can be mistaken as a fracture.
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Ayurvedic Medicines can Cure Sprains Completely over Time

There are dozens of pain killers available in the market. However, most of them come with serious side effects including heart burn, internal bleeding, kidney failure and even death. So what is the alternative?

Turn to Ayurveda and consider Ayurvedic remedies for sprains. While Ayurvedic medicines may not provide instant pain relief, they can cure sprains completely over time without any harmful effects.

Turmeric: It has anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare a paste of turmeric, lime and salt, and apply this on the sprained area. This will give relief from the pain. You can drink warm water by adding half teaspoon of turmeric twice a day.

Turmeric is a mild Ayurvedic herb that is very effective in treating inflammations. This makes it excellent for use as one of the Ayurvedic remedies for sprains. However, the use of this herb on the skin leaves a yellow stain on the applied area. This stain fades away after you stop using it.

Clove: The oil of this herb is effective in treating sprains and muscular cramps. You can use clove oil to massage gently on the affected area to get relief from pain.

Onion: Chop some onions and spread on the affected area and wrap it with a cloth. You can also wrap the chopped onions in a cloth and keep it on the affected area. This home remedy is one of the remedies for sprains using a common food found in virtually all homes, gives you relief from pain.

Ginger: This herb is a very effective painkiller and it is widely used in Ayurveda medicines for healing many ailments. Apply the paste made out of dried ginger and water on the affected area to get relief from pain. You can also use ginger and almond oil for pain relief.

Hyssop: This Ayurvedic herb is a good remedy for sprains and other muscle-related problems. This herb can be made into a paste and applied on the affected area. It helps in giving fast relief from strains and sprains.

You can also use Salt for Treating Sprains

idiot's Guide to AyurvedaAlong with these Ayurvedic remedies for sprains, you can also use salt for treating sprains. Fill salt in a small cloth bag, or tie up some salt in a thin piece of cloth. Next, heat a flat pan on stove.

When it becomes very hot, lower the flame. Now, put the salt bag on the pan for a minute and press this bag in the affected area. Keep doing this for at least 15 times, three to four times daily.

You can also use ice packs on the sprains after the swelling goes down with the heat treatment. However, if the home treatment is not giving you any benefit, you should check with an Ayurveda practitioner and get the required treatment. Some serious sprains with many torn ligaments might require help from experts.

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Ayurvedic Medicinal Kit

Ayurvedic Medicinal Kit for Cuts and Wounds

By Shankar.

Having a first aid kit at home is a must, especially, if there are children around. They keep hurting themselves while playing and come up with cuts and wounds on every other day. It is better to have a few useful Ayurvedic herbs in your first aid kit. Ayurvedic medicines heal your wounds, cuts, and other skin ailments holistically.

There are many natural home remedies to treat and cure cuts and wounds. Some of the useful things that can be always found in your kitchen are garlic, ginger, turmeric, honey, sugar, and ice cubes. The immediate treatment that is required for a cut or wound is to stop the bleeding first. For this you can apply a little sugar on the cuts to stop bleeding immediately.

You can also use ice cubes on the cuts to stop bleeding and also to reduce the swelling around the wound. Hold the cut area above the level of your heart to stop excess bleeding. Once the bleeding has stopped, you should clean the wound and apply turmeric and tie it with a bandage. Turmeric is used as antiseptic that can heal cuts and wounds very effectively.

Garlic has allicin that helps in giving speedy recovery from cuts and wounds. You can apply garlic paste on the wound. Applying the paste of ginger on the wound will heal it very effectively. Raw honey is also used to apply on such cuts and wounds to heal it naturally. There are some Ayurvedic herbs also to help you to treat small problems like cuts, burns, and other skin irritation problems.

Neem: This herb is a very effective medicine for almost all the skin problems. It is very useful in treating any injuries and wounds.

Comfrey: This is one of the important regenerative herbs that you should have always with you. It helps in growing new cells and skin quickly. This herb is very effective even for deep cuts and gives fast recovery.

Aloe Vera: This herb has numerous healing powers. It is an excellent herb that can heal bad cuts and wounds. This herb can also be used along with other antibiotic herbs for healing the cuts quickly.

Calendula flower: The dark orange and yellow marigold flowers have many medicinal values. Having this plant at home will be very beneficial for you to cure several skin ailments. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties help in curing injuries naturally. Calendula oil is effective in treating cuts, wounds, and bruises.

Tea tree oil: After cleaning the cuts or wounds, apply the tea tree oil on this area to prevent infection. You can also add a few drops of this oil to the water and use it to clean the cuts and wounds.

Witch hazel: It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in healing the cuts and wounds. The leaves and bark of this plant can be used for treating many skin irritations.

Yarrow: It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to disinfect wounds. The herb is very effective to stop bleeding.

All these Ayurvedic herbs are harmless and have no side effects. However, there are certain herbs that should not be used by some people such as pregnant women, breast feeding mothers, and those who are allergic to certain herbs. Therefore, it is better to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to make sure that these herbs are safe for you to use.

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Holy Basil – Ayurvedic herb

Holy Basil –Ayurvedic herb for prolonged life

By Shankar.

’Tulasi’, or Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic medicinal herb that has its base in India. Not only as a medicinal herb, this herb is also considered as the most sacred plant and hence, worshipped by the Hindus. It has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb having diverse healing properties and as such, many Ayurvedic tonics and treatments are based on it. It is highly aromatic and astringent in taste.

Holy Basil is regarded as the ‘Queen of Herbs’ as it is regarded as ‘the incomparable one’. Research and studies have proved that this herb actually promotes excellent health as it has many disease-preventing capabilities. It also helps in prolonged life.

Holy Basil is an adaptogen – it helps the mind and body to cope up with all the emotional problems and situations very effectively. Its anti-stress agent reduces the level of stress and depression. Chewing a few leaves of Holy Basil purifies the blood, and prevents many mental problems. This herb is a good nerve tonic and also enhances memory.

Holy basil is an immune booster – when taken daily, it can prevent common fever, cold, and cough. Especially during the rainy season, when diseases like malaria and dengue fever are at their peak, drinking tea laced with Holy Basil is very effective.

To get rid of common fever, prepare a decoction of the Holy Basil leaves in half a liter of water, sugar, and cardamom, and drink this daily till the temperature goes down.

Holy Basil is one of the main ingredients in many Ayurvedic medicines that can cure cough, and in the process, cures bronchitis and asthma. It boosts immunity and therefore, eating the leaves daily will keep you safe from fever, cold, and cough. Its anti-allergic agent helps in treating all respiratory problems. Decoction prepared with Holy Basil leaves, honey, and ginger gives immense relief from sore throat.

According to Ayurveda, this herb promotes longevity and therefore, it is regarded as the ‘elixir of life’. The extracts of this herb are very effective Ayurvedic remedies for inflammation, headaches, stomach disorders, diabetes, heart diseases, reduces cholesterol level, and skin disorders.

Start adding Holy Basil leaves to your tea and consume it daily to have all the health benefits offered by this Ayurvedic holy herb that cures and prevents health problems naturally. If you don’t want to add the leaves in tea, you can just chew some leaves, several times a day (like you would chew chewing gums). Only difference is that you don’t throw out the leaves after chewing, but swallow it.

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Amla in Ayurveda

The Use of Amla in Ayurveda

By Shankar.

Amla’, or ‘Amalaki’, or ‘Indian Gooseberry’, is one of the most nutritious foods and it is used in Ayurveda for treating many health problems. This fruit rejuvenates all the organs of the body, and provides strength and longevity. It is rich in Vitamin C and used as the key ingredient in Ayurvedic tonics, and other medicinal preparations. Ayurveda speaks very high of Amla and its curing properties.

The medicinal values of Amla are:

1. It simulates hair growth.

2. It checks premature graying.

3. It good for skin.

4. It beneficial for eyes.

5. It promotes longevity.

6. It promotes food absorption.

7. It nourishes the brain and increases memory power.

8. It controls fever.

9. It controls cough.

10. It cures asthma.

11. It cures anemia.

12. It boosts immune system.

13. It treats constipation.

14. It improves digestion.

15. It controls diabetes.

16. It supports heart, lung, and liver.

17. It is a weight reducer.

18. It cools the mind and body.

19. It reduces cholesterol.

20. It reduces osteoarthritis.

21. It improves fertility.

Based on research and reports, Amla has proved to have anti-cancer agents that can fight certain cancers. It has antibacterial agents that fight infections in the throat, eye, skin, and scalp.

Amla treats problems like acidity and ulcers. It also has laxative properties that treat constipation and other digestive problems including piles. Amla has anti-oxidative and carminative properties that provide a healthy digestive system. Ayurvedic medicines used for gastrointestinal problems have Amla as the major ingredient.

People suffering from frequent cold, cough, and fever benefit a lot from Amla. It boosts the immune system and prevents respiratory disorders like cold, cough, bronchitis, asthma, and other infections in the respiratory tract. The high quantity of Vitamin C in Amla helps to enhance the function of the immune system.

Amla prevents and treats dandruff, and promotes hair growth. It has anti-aging properties that help your hair and skin look younger than your age. It takes care of premature graying. Amla is the key ingredient in all the herbal shampoos to promote hair growth.

The benefits of Amla are enormous. This Ayurvedic herb should be strictly included in your daily diet to prevent several diseases out of which some can be life threatening. Add Amla to your shopping list the next time you go to the market. You will see the wonderful and marvelous change in your lifestyle. The best thing is that you can eat it any time and every time as it has no side effects.

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Brahmi – an Ayurveda Medicine

Brahmi – a Wonderful Medicine in Ayurveda

By Shankar.

Brahmi has a good reputation in Ayurveda. It has been used as Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. This ancient herb is used as a tonic for improving memory and mental ability. It is good for academic students as well as people who work.

School going children will benefit in reducing their mental stress, improving their concentration power and thought clarity. It soothes and calms the mind and the nervous system of people after their long hours of hard work. Brahmi is proved to be useful in curing Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in children as well as old aged people with mental disorders.

Brahmi is an Ayurvedic herb with bitter, hot and astringent taste. It enhances the memory and allows every individual to be intellectual. Brahmi is not only a memory booster and intellect-promoting herb; it also has several healing powers that a human body requires. Brahmi is a good muscle relaxant. It is a very effective medicine to calm the mind and body, and provides complete relaxation.

Brahmi is an anti-convulsant; this herb is very powerful in treating sleeplessness, stress, anxiety, depression, hypertension, insanity, mental retardation, and hysteria. Studies have proved that Brahmi is a good medicine for brain and repairs almost all the brain disorders. If you realize that you have poor memory or your memory is fading slowly, then Brahmi will solve these problems. It can help a person to have long memory power. It is also beneficial in curing all the types of epilepsy.

Brahmi is an anti-pyretic; this herb is a good medicine to get rid of common fever unless it is related to certain diseases. It also takes care of cold and cough that accompanies fever. The best way is to make a decoction from Brahmi leaves and drink it. You will be out of fever without any side effects. Brahmi is a blood purifier and also reduces asthma.

Brahmi also acts against digestive problems. It takes care of extra gas in the stomach and gives you relief from stomach related disturbances. It also takes care of hyperacidity and ulcer. Brahmi is also a good medicine for curing skin diseases.

Last but not the least, those who are interested in having lovely lustrous hair and want to be free from dandruff, try Brahmi and see the positive change that it brings to your hair and scalp.

As an Ayurvedic herb, Brahmi has proved to have no side effects. It can be used by any age group. It is one of the most important ingredients used in several Ayurvedic medicines. This natural herb can be used anywhere at any season.

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