Cure Insomnia with Ayurvedic Herbs

You can Cure Insomnia with Ayurvedic Herbs

By Sunil.

Many people suffer from sleep disturbances or insomnia. However, for some people it is a daily problem; even sleeping pills fail to have their effect. Lack of sleep can cause a lot of problems. Problems like improper digestion, acidity, heart burn, nausea, gastric problem, stress, anxiety, and depression can be caused by lack of sleep.

A sound sleep is essential for everyone to be healthy. People who suffer from insomnia feel less energetic throughout the day. They will feel weak and tired faster than people who have had good sleep. Many people pop-in sleeping pills to get good sleep. However, it has negative effects on the health of the person taking such pills.

There are several Ayurvedic herbs that can give almost the same effect of the sleeping pills. These natural herbs are a better remedy. Try these natural herbs to get rid of sleep disturbances.

Natural Herbs to Help get Rid of Sleep Disturbances

Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is one of the main ingredients included in many Ayurvedic medicines and treatment. Ashwagandha is a good herb that can increase the stamina and strength in the body throughout the day. This herb also helps in calming your mind and giving you sound sleep at night.

Valerian: Ayurveda< recommends this herb to cure insomnia. It is one of the most effective herbs that is approved for treating sleep disorders. Hops: The extracts from this herb is used as an Ayurvedic medicine to give good sleep. This herb is proved to reduce the sleep disturbances.

Lavender: Lavender is used to reduce anxiety and sleep disturbances. It acts as a good tonic for nervous system. Before bedtime, take a bath by adding a few drops of oil in the water. This will help to reduce sleep disturbances.

Calamus root: This herb is very effective in giving you good sleep. The powder made out of this root is taken daily by adding a teaspoon in a glass of warm water and/or milk.

Chamomile: Chamomile is a flowering plant that belongs to daisy family. Chamomile treats insomnia.

Passion flower: The extract from this flower promotes sleep.

Shatavari: This herb also helps to give a better sleep at night.

Check with Your Doctor First

These Ayurvedic remedies will take care of the sleeplessness problem. However, some of the herbs might not be suitable for all. It is advised to consult a doctor, before you choose Ayurvedic herbs to treat insomnia. If you are having sleep disturbances due to stress and depression, regular exercise and yoga will help to calm your mind and let you have good sleep.

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Ayurvedic Tips and Herbs for Stress

Ayurvedic Tips and Herbs to Tackle the Problem of Stress

By Shankar.

Stress has become a common problem in more-or-less everyone’s life – be child, be teenager, be adult. However, if it is continuing for several days, it can cause several risk factors such as mental disorders, physical disorders, immune disorders, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart diseases. If stress is not treated on time, it can be life threatening. Destroy the root cause of your stress and have a peaceful life to live healthier and longer.

Stress and depression can also lead to sudden anger, headaches, stomach upset, and ulcers. Most women suffer postpartum depression or postnatal depression after child birth. Ayurvedic herbal remedies are considered as the traditional method of healing health disorders. Ayurvedic herbs that cure stress also take care of emotional problems, nervous system, improves immune system, and several disorders that are caused by stress and anxiety.

Try Ayurvedic tips and herbs given below to help you fight stress.

Ayurvedic tips to solve the problem of stress are:

  1. Have good amount of sleep.
  2. Do exercise regularly.
  3. Have positive mind.
  4. Have proper diet.
  5. Reduce the intake of coffee.
  6. Avoid taking too spicy and salty food.
  7. Do not take drugs and alcohol.
  8. Take warm water showers.
  9. Do yoga and meditation daily.

Ayurvedic Herbs for treating stress and depression are:

Ashwagandha: This herb is helpful to bring stress under control. Ashwagandha is known for its powerful adaptogenic properties. Its roots are used to treat stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Brahmi: This herb is very effective for nervous system and mental disorders. It works as an anti-anxiety agent. It calms the mind and takes care of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Asparagus: The root of asparagus is beneficial in treating stress and depression.

St. John’s Wort: This herb is used in treating stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps in giving you good sleep, which is seriously affected during stress and depression.

Ginger: Ginger can be taken along with other anti-depressant herbs. It helps in treating stress, anxiety, and depression.

Hops: This herb is used as a medicine for treating stress, anxiety, insomnia, and restless. It also encourages sleep.

Valerian: This herb is used for stress, nervousness, insomnia, and other mental disorders.

Basil: Basil is considered as an anti-stress agent.

With the help of the Ayurvedic tips and herbs, you can cure your stress and its related health problems. However, if the problem persists, you should consult a doctor immediately to find the exact cause and get necessary treatments.

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Ayurveda to Overcome Anxiety

Ayurveda Helps you to Overcome Anxiety

By Shankar.

Anxiety is a condition of mental disturbances. It makes a person feel unhappy, restlessness, sleepless, and panicky. If these problems have become a part of your daily life, it is time for you to adapt the art of living Ayurveda.

The harmony between Ayurveda and mind, body, and spirit promotes overall health. Mind disorders can affect your body and soul too. If it is not treated on time, it can lead to many other serious health disorders. Popping up anti-anxiety and anti-depressant pills will give temporary relief. Not only that, continuous use of these pills are very harmful for any human body.

The best way is to opt for holistic approach of healing. There can be nothing better than Ayurvedic plants and Ayurveda therapy to give you natural way of healing. The best part is that it has no side effects and it is harmless.

Ayurveda in India believes in the three Ayurveda doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha that balance a human body. Any imbalance in these three doshas can cause many health disorders. If you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, then it is the Vata dosha that needs to be rectified. These things might sound strange to you if you are approaching Ayurvedic treatment for the first time, but do not worry, over time you will understand the whole Ayurvedic concept.

Are you ready for the holistic and natural treatment for your mind, body, and soul? Continue reading to understand some of the important anti-anxiety Ayurvedic plants that will cure your anxiety problems.

Ashwagandha: This herb is one of the most effective in treating mental imbalances. It helps in reducing the stress and strengthens the immune system. It is also used for the treatment of stress-related health disorders like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Turmeric: It is used traditionally for the treatment of any pain relief from muscle pain, joint inflammation, and arthritis. Its calming properties help in curing anxiety and stress. Turmeric is an active ingredient used along with many other natural herbs to cure several ailments.

Chamomile: It is very safe to use for curing anxiety. It has a soothing effect that helps to relax the mind. It reduces stress and promotes good sleep.

Borage juice: Drinking this juice helps in treating anxiety disorders. It is also a tonic that purifies blood.

Peppermint: Anxiety can cause stomach upset. Peppermint helps in curing such problems.

St. John’s Wort: This has anti-anxiety, anti-stress, and anti-depressant properties. It is very effective in treating mental imbalances by promoting good sleep.

Valerian: It relaxes the mind and put you to sleep. It is very effective in treating sleep disturbances.

These Ayurvedic plants work as anti-anxiety medicines that can cure you without any side effects. However, for better safety, consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to make sure of the correct doses you need to take. Simple breathing exercise will also help you to overcome anxiety.

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Treat Menorrhagia

Ayurvedic Plants to Treat Menorrhagia

By Shankar.

Menorrhagia is the medical term for heavy bleeding for prolonged period. In normal menstrual cycles, the bleeding lasts up to three to five days with normal quantity of blood flow. In case of Menorrhagia, the heavy bleeding extends more than seven days. Women suffering from this problem find difficult in going out comfortably.

Menorrhagia can be caused due to several reasons:

1. If you are going through certain treatment or medication, then there is a chance for heavy bleeding.

2. The use of certain contraceptives like Intrauterine devices (IUDs) can cause heavy bleeding in some women.

3. Uterine disorders like fibroids in the uterus and uterus cancer can be the major reason for prolonged heavy bleeding, which needs to be diagnosed fast and take medications immediately.

4. If you are suffering from hypothyroidism, it can cause menorrhagia.

Ignoring the symptoms of Menorrhagia can lead you to acnes, sudden weight gain, sleeplessness, anemia, inability to conceive, and can even lead to uterus fibroids or cancer.

There are some ayurvedic plants to help you out in solving the symptoms of Menorrhagia. It has no harmful side effects. Using these natural herbs is the safe and effective method in treating heavy periods.

Shatavari: This herb is used as a uterine tonic for women. It is primarily used in regulating the menstrual cycle. It helps in treating menstrual problems like Menorrhagia and Dysmenorrhoea. It has unctuous properties that help in increasing the chances of conception and also strengthens the uterine.

Mugwort: It is useful in treating Menorrhagia. It also helps in treating fibroids, Dysmenorrhea, and Endometriosis. Prepare infusion using one teaspoon of Mugwort in one cup of water and drink this.

Manjistha: This plant is useful in treating Menorrhagia. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in purifying the blood. This herb helps in reducing menstrual bleeding.

Sage: It prevents blood clots and it is useful in heavy menstrual bleeding. Sage tea is recommended to get relief from hot flashes.

Raspberry: It has astringent properties that help in reducing excessive bleeding. It also calms and reduces the cramps during this time.

Valerian: This herb is a good muscle relaxant. It helps in reducing menstrual cramps during heavy periods.

The above ayurvedic plants are beneficial in taking care of heavy periods. Keep these natural herbs in stock to cure Menorrhagia or heavy bleeding naturally. But before that, it is very important that you consult your Ayurvedic practitioner to find out if you are suffering from any serious problems like uterine fibroids or uterine cancer which requires immediate surgery.

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Ayurvedic Plants for Epilepsy

Ayurvedic Plants for Curing Epilepsy

By Shankar.

Can Ayurvedic Plants help in curing epilepsy? Epilepsy, also known as fits or seizures is a chronic neurological disorder. The brain starts functioning abnormally due to the central nervous system disorder. Children and older people are the ones who get mostly affected by epilepsy. However, it can occur at any age.

In Ayurveda, epilepsy is termed as ‘apasmara’ or ‘aparmaram’. Ayurveda believes that epilepsy is caused due to imbalance of the three doshas called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Any aggravation in these three doshas can lead to epilepsy. Ayurvedic plants can help in the cure of epilepsy.

The signs and symptoms of epilepsy are headaches, falling unconscious, uncontrollable moving of hands and legs, foam coming out of the mouth, biting of the tongue, eyes becoming distorted, the muscles of the body having rapid contractions and relaxations, and regaining consciousness after the attack of fits. There are many Ayurvedic plants to help you in treating epilepsy and improves the function of the brain.

Brahmi: The extract of this leaf has anti-epilepsy property. This herb is traditionally used for the treatment of epilepsy. It has antioxidant properties that help in reducing the fats in the bloodstream. This herb is used as a brain tonic. It helps in treating stress, anxiety, tension, and depression which can cause epilepsy. It is also known for treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Aloe Vera: This herb is traditionally used for healing wounds, cuts, sunburns, and many skin disorders. It is very effective medicine for all skin problems. Apart from its traditional use, it is also helpful in treating epilepsy and other nervous disorders. The juice of Aloe Vera can be taken orally for treating epilepsy.

Ashwagandha: This herb works positively on the central nervous system. It is useful in treating mental disorders like stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps in having normal ageing and treats neurological conditions like epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Shankhapushpi: This herb is used as brain tonic. It improves memory and treats emotional imbalance, nervous debility, fatigue, insomnia. You can take two grams of shankhapushpi juice along with honey to treat epilepsy.

Valerian: This herb is very useful in treating epilepsy. However, overdose of this herb can cause certain side effects. It soothes the brain and promotes sleep.

Jatamansi: This herb is very effective in treating stress, anxiety and promotes sleep. It helps in enhancing memory and treats mental imbalances. It is also effective in treating hysteria and epilepsy.

Vacha: Known as ‘sweet flag’, it helps in enhancing memory. It is very effective in treating epilepsy.

Though the above Ayurvedic plants are good and safe to use, overdose of some can cause certain serious health disorders. Therefore, it is very important to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to know the exact doses of these Ayurvedic plants to be taken to cure epilepsy.

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