Common Fever and Ayurvedic Remedies for sale

Ayurvedic Remedies for Common Fever

By Sunil

The average normal temperature of the human body is 98.6 degree Fahrenheit. When this temperature goes beyond the prescribed degree of 100.4 degree Fahrenheit, it is considered as fever. Low fever helps to kill the germs that bring diseases in our body and therefore, it is not required to be treated. But if your fever shoots up above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, then you seriously need to go for a medical checkup.

Let’s check if you have a fever today.
Fever is one of the major symptoms in diseases like infections, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy, jaundice, influenza, dengue, malaria, and measles.

Fever is normally accompanied by severe headaches and joint pains that make a person feel very weak. If there is fever, it will be better for you to avoid certain foods and concentrate only on a proper health diet.

  1. Have easily digestible fibrous food.
  2. Have water at room temperature and consume vegetable soups as much as you can. Avoid putting any type of starch to thicken the soups.
  3. Have fresh fruit juices, fresh whole fruits, and green vegetables.
  4. Avoid preserved and fast food, spicy food, poultry, meat, and dairy products for few days. Also avoid being on empty stomach for long.
  5. Avoid physical activities.
  6. Take good rest and sleep for a minimum of six hours.

Where treating common fever is concerned, there is nothing like Ayurvedic herbs, and more so because they have very little or no side effects.

Holy Basil: This Ayurvedic herb is one of the best herbal home remedies for curing common fever. Prepare its decoction by boiling few leaves in half a liter of water. For the first two to three days, drink this decoction twice a day.

Turmeric: It is a very effective antiseptic for fighting germs. Add a pinch to a glass of warm water or milk and drink it.

Saffron: Tea containing saffron reduces common fever.

Cinnamon: It is another important Ayurvedic herb to treat common fever. Add a pinch each of cinnamon powder and black pepper powder, and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of hot water. Not only relief from fever, this preparation helps to take care of throat irritation and pain that accompanies fever.

Raisins have other helpful uses in addition to helping with common fever.
Raisin: Its extract is a very useful tonic. Add a few raisins to a cup of water and then crush the raisins. Filter the water and then drink the juice to get relief.

Ginger: Its extracts are very useful and as such, ginger tea helps quite a lot during fever.

These Ayurvedic remedies can be easily prepared at home. However, you need to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner if your fever is due to any major disease mentioned above.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a Natural Ayurvedic Way

By Shankar.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the gastrointestinal problem suffered by several people. The symptoms are constant constipation, diarrhea, acidity, flatulence, bloating, and improper expelling of the bowel. Intake of spicy food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and certain drugs can aggravate the digestive problems.

The exact cause for irritable bowel syndrome is yet unknown. However, poor lifestyle and improper diet can bring this digestive disorder. Ayurveda believes that any kind of ailment is triggered due to improper digestion. Stressed life can be another major reason for causing irritable bowel syndrome.

Ayurveda recommends in changing the diet and lifestyle to treat digestion problems. Ayurveda treatment starts by eliminating the toxins from the body and maintaining proper digestion. It helps in strengthening the immunity system. Ayurveda therapy is used on patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Also there are several natural remedies that help in treating this digestive disorder.

Psyllium: This is fibrous which is essential for having proper digestive system. It helps in giving relief from constipation, diarrhea, intestinal problems and irritable bowel syndrome.

Bromelain: It is useful in treating inflammation of the intestines. It acts as digestive enzyme. When this is taken after each meal, it helps in having proper digestion.

Shatavari: This herb is useful in improving the digestive system. It is an effective medicine for treating stomach acid and ulcers. It gives relief from the digestive problems like bloating, reflux, and flatulence.

Guduchi: This herb is a good natural remedy for digestive disorders. It helps in treating chronic constipation, diarrhea, hyperacidity, flatulence, and abdominal pain. It treats irritable bowel syndrome very effectively.

Shankhpushpi: This herb is useful in improving digestion. It is used to treat digestion disorders especially caused due to stress and anxiety. This herb is used for the treatment of gastric ulcer.

Aloe Vera: This herb has several healing factors. It is also beneficial in treating digestive upsets. It helps in curing the problems in the intestinal tract that cause irritable bowel syndrome. The juice or the gel of this herb can be taken orally to treat digestive disorders.

Holy basil: This herb is said to have anti-inflammatory properties which helps in treating ulcer and irritable bowel syndrome.

Brahmi: This herb is very useful in treating diarrhea which is the main symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.

Ginger: Chewing a small piece of fresh ginger after each meal will help in having proper digestion. Ginger helps in reducing irritable bowel syndrome.

These natural remedies, Ayurveda therapy, proper diet, healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, yoga, and meditation are all part of natural holistic treatment done in ayurveda. Each individual is treated based on the age, sex, history, and the type of body. Ayurveda treatments have very minor side effects. However, they are very effective in treating any kind of health disorder.

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Ayurveda for Ringworm

Ayurveda for Curing Ringworm

By Shankar.

Ringworm is a skin disease caused by the fungi infection. It is highly contagious and can spread to other parts of the body. This fungus is caused due to poor hygiene. If the cloth you are wearing is not clean or improper drying of clothes can cause this skin disorder.

Ringworms appear in circular red patches. It keeps spreading in circular manner and start healing in the center. It causes itchy and irritation on the affected area. This infection can also cause due to lack of immunity.

Ayurvedic medical term for ringworm is referred to as dadru, which is caused due to aggravation in the vata dosha. A slight change in the diet will improve the skin condition. Sour, spicy, oily, and hot foods can aggravate the ringworm problem. Therefore, these foods should be avoided along with hot beverages like coffee and tea.

You should include lot of green vegetables in your diet. Intake of bitter gourd and neem would give fast relief from ringworm. There are some Ayurvedic plants that are useful in treating ringworm. There is a chance of occurring again. Therefore, you should keep continuing to use these plants for one or two weeks more after you feel that you have recovered from this skin disease.

Neem: This plant is very useful in treating all kind of skin disorders. It is safe for applying externally on the affected area as well as consuming it for treating any kind of skin problems. You can make a paste from its leaves and apply it on the affected area.

Holy Basil: This Ayurvedic plant is used for treating ringworm very effectively. Use the juice of its leaves to apply regularly on the affected area to cure it.

Turmeric: It has antiseptic value that helps in treating any kind of skin disorders. Make a paste using turmeric and water and apply this on the affected area. Turmeric can also be taken orally either by mixing a teaspoon of it in a glass of water and drinking it or mix it with honey and have it.

Coriander: Prepare juice from the coriander leaves and consume it to treat ringworms. You can also add turmeric to this juice and drink to treat this skin disease more effectively.

Butea: This plant is used very effectively since years in Ayurvedic treatment for ringworms. Prepare a paste by grinding its seeds and mix it with water. Apply this on the affected area. You can also use lemon juice instead of water to make its paste.

Maintaining proper hygiene and proper diet is necessary to treat ringworms. However, if this skin problem persists or worsens, consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to treat it quickly.

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Holy Basil – Ayurvedic herb

Holy Basil –Ayurvedic herb for prolonged life

By Shankar.

’Tulasi’, or Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic medicinal herb that has its base in India. Not only as a medicinal herb, this herb is also considered as the most sacred plant and hence, worshipped by the Hindus. It has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb having diverse healing properties and as such, many Ayurvedic tonics and treatments are based on it. It is highly aromatic and astringent in taste.

Holy Basil is regarded as the ‘Queen of Herbs’ as it is regarded as ‘the incomparable one’. Research and studies have proved that this herb actually promotes excellent health as it has many disease-preventing capabilities. It also helps in prolonged life.

Holy Basil is an adaptogen – it helps the mind and body to cope up with all the emotional problems and situations very effectively. Its anti-stress agent reduces the level of stress and depression. Chewing a few leaves of Holy Basil purifies the blood, and prevents many mental problems. This herb is a good nerve tonic and also enhances memory.

Holy basil is an immune booster – when taken daily, it can prevent common fever, cold, and cough. Especially during the rainy season, when diseases like malaria and dengue fever are at their peak, drinking tea laced with Holy Basil is very effective.

To get rid of common fever, prepare a decoction of the Holy Basil leaves in half a liter of water, sugar, and cardamom, and drink this daily till the temperature goes down.

Holy Basil is one of the main ingredients in many Ayurvedic medicines that can cure cough, and in the process, cures bronchitis and asthma. It boosts immunity and therefore, eating the leaves daily will keep you safe from fever, cold, and cough. Its anti-allergic agent helps in treating all respiratory problems. Decoction prepared with Holy Basil leaves, honey, and ginger gives immense relief from sore throat.

According to Ayurveda, this herb promotes longevity and therefore, it is regarded as the ‘elixir of life’. The extracts of this herb are very effective Ayurvedic remedies for inflammation, headaches, stomach disorders, diabetes, heart diseases, reduces cholesterol level, and skin disorders.

Start adding Holy Basil leaves to your tea and consume it daily to have all the health benefits offered by this Ayurvedic holy herb that cures and prevents health problems naturally. If you don’t want to add the leaves in tea, you can just chew some leaves, several times a day (like you would chew chewing gums). Only difference is that you don’t throw out the leaves after chewing, but swallow it.

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