Ayurvedic Prevention of Strokes

Ayurvedic Treatment for Preventing Stroke

By Shankar.

When the blood flow to a part of the brain is reduced or stopped due to blood clot, the person is attacked by a stroke. A person with high blood pressure will have the problem of blood leaking into the brain from the ruptured artery. This is known as vertebral hemorrhage. The brain cells stops functioning due to blood clot and blood leakage in the brain.

The brain has different parts that control different parts of the body. The damage occurred on a certain part of the brain causes stroke. Some strokes are fatal and can eventually cause death. There are minor types of strokes that usually give the patient a chance to recover from the stroke.

Stroke is caused with advancing age. However, there are certain factors that increase the chances of being attacked by stroke. A person with high cholesterol level and high blood pressure are at higher risks for strokes. Men are mostly affected than women. However, intake of birth control pills and menopausal condition can cause stroke for women.

Poor diet and lifestyle invite several health disorders including stroke. You can prevent stroke from attacking you by having a well balanced diet and lifestyle. Restrict the intake of oily and fatty food, quit smoking and alcohol. Regular checkups with the doctor will help you to prevent the attack of stroke. Reduce the level of high cholesterol and high blood pressure to prevent stroke.

You should include plenty of green vegetables, fish that contain omega fatty acids which has an excellent anti-clotting property. Nuts and flaxseeds are also good remedy to prevent stroke. There are some natural Ayurvedic plants that are helpful in preventing the stroke.

Cayenne pepper: Include cayenne pepper in your diet to prevent stroke. You can prepare a tea using cayenne pepper and drink this daily. It is a good natural home remedy for strokes.

Ginkgo biloba: Studies have effectively proved this plant helps in treating and normalizing irregular heartbeats. It also reduces the thickening of the blood and thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. This plant is very useful to maintain healthy heart.

Garlic: This is an excellent medicine for lowering high cholesterol level. Include garlic in your diet for controlling the level of the cholesterol. You can crush the garlic or make a paste and mix it in a glass of buttermilk and drink daily twice.

Hawthorn: This plant helps in maintaining a good supply of oxygen to the heart. It is useful in treating and normalizing irregular heartbeats. This plant is also useful in maintaining normal blood pressure.

Passion flower: It has antioxidant property. It is very useful in improving the health of the heart.

Strokes strike suddenly giving less time to even think of anything. The signs of a stroke are sudden severe headache, numbness in the hands or legs, disturbed vision and speech, and improper coordination. When these symptoms are shown, the affected person should be rushed to the hospital immediately to stop the attack of the stroke.

Ayurvedic plants and remedies are beneficial in preventing and treating minor strokes. However, if you are already taking any other medicines, you should consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before using these natural remedies for stroke.

Copyright © 2011 AyurvedaHealthTips.com

Treat Varicose Veins

Treat Varicose Veins with Ayurvedic Herbs

By Shankar.

Varicose veins are the ones that swell and bulge causing awful pain in the legs and ankles. Usually it happens when a person stands for a long period causing strain to the legs. Also, excess pressure in the abdomen can cause varicose veins.

Deficiency in Vitamin C, proteins, and minerals are behind varicose veins. Other factors include excess weight, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and advancing age. There are some Ayurvedic herbs that are useful to cure and prevent varicose veins.

Ginkgo biloba: It is very beneficial for cardio-vascular system. It is a good tonic for the brain as well as for the body. It relaxes your mind and gives energy to your body. It contains different anti-inflammatory properties. It enhances better blood flow to all parts of the body.

Horse Chestnut: This herb is used traditionally for toning and strengthening the veins. It is an anti-inflammatory that helps in reducing the swelling and pain. Its astringent property helps to reduce the bleeding.

Witch Hazel: The tannin acid present in this herb is beneficial for tiny capillaries and venules. This herb is useful for the treatment for varicose veins.

Arjuna: This herb is very effective in improving the function of the cardiac muscles and pumping of the heart. It helps to strengthen blood vessels. This herb is used for the treatment of varicose veins.

Guggulu: This herb has anti-inflammatory property that gives relief from pain. It has digestive agents that improve digestion and constipation related problems.

Brahmi: Ayurveda recognizes this herb as the best for the treatment of varicose veins. Brahmi tones and provides the required nutrients to the veins.

Ginger: Protein is necessary to prevent and cure varicose veins. Ginger helps in breaking down the protein content of food and distributes it evenly in the body. Include ginger daily in your diet.

Garlic: It is very effective for the treatment of varicose veins. Like ginger, garlic too helps in breaking down the protein and distributes it well in the body. Include garlic in your daily diet.

Onion: Chewing and eating onion daily will give the same benefits as garlic and onion in distributing the proteins evenly in the body. It gives strength to the body and treats the problem of varicose veins.

Amla: It has rich source of Vitamin C. Include amla and other citric fruits like oranges and lemon in your daily diet.

Varicose veins can become a very serious health problem if ignored. Ask your Ayurvedic practitioner about the Ayurvedic treatment and the medicines that are beneficial in preventing varicose veins in future.

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