Ayurvedic Dandruff Treatment

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Dandruff

By Sunil.

Dandruff is the problem on the scalp where dry flakes of skin are found. These white dry flakes tend to fall from the scalp on to the face and neck causing pimples and acnes. Dandruff can cause itching on the scalp that further worsens the problem.

Dandruff can also lead to heavy hair fall. It can be cured with proper care of the scalp and the hair. There are certain issues that bring the dandruff problems. Stress is one of the major causes for dry scalp. You can do yoga and meditation to tackle the problem of stress.

If your hair is over exposed to sun or polluted air, then sweat, dust, and dirt get accumulated on the scalp and hair causing dandruff and fungus on the scalp. It should be treated immediately to prevent it from worsening.

Hectic lifestyle and improper diet also cause dandruff. You should have a well balanced Ayurveda diet by including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Drink plenty of water because it helps to rejuvenate the skin. You should reduce the intake of coffee, tea, chocolates, and sugar. Restrict the intake of spicy and oily food which causes the dandruff problem.

aloe vera
Drinking Aloe Vera juice helps in curing indigestion, among other things, plus helping to reduce dandruff.
Aloe Vera: You can apply the juice or gel of Aloe Vera plant on the scalp to reduce the dandruff. Wash it off after sometime by using a mild herbal shampoo.

Sandalwood: Massage your scalp with sandalwood oil that has cooling and soothing effect on the skin. You can also add lime juice to this oil and apply it on the scalp for curing severe dandruff.

Lemon: You can apply the juice of lemon on the scalp and wash it off to get rid of dandruff. Mix lemon juice into the mug of water and use it as the last rinse on your hair to make it shining.

Henna: This herb is traditionally used as a good hair conditioner. It not only removes the dandruff, but also treats premature graying of the hair. It strengthens the root of the hair and promotes hair growth.

Jojoba oil: Apply a few drops of jojoba oil onto the scalp and hair. Now dip a towel in hot water, squeeze the water out and wrap your hair and head for ten to fifteen minutes, after which, use a mild herbal shampoo to wash it off. This home remedy will take care of the problems like itchy scalp and dandruff. It also repairs the damaged hair and promotes hair growth.

These are very useful Ayurvedic home remedies that will not only get rid of dandruff> problems but also give you healthy and beautiful hair. However, it is very important to follow Ayurveda diet to make these home remedies work faster. We think you’ll be happy with this alternative Ayurvedic Dandruff Treatment.

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